Fanart Challenges: Challenge Two

Sep 22, 2008 13:22

It's now time for Challenge Two...

Fanart Challenge Two

Please make sure you have read and fully understood the rules post.

Part A:

The theme of this week's challenge is dark, meaning you have to make an art that is dark. Any art of your choice is allowed (icon, banner, wallpaper, etc) as long as you stick to the theme - easy!


You have complete free choice in this department. Sceencaps, episode stills & promotional images as well as candid, appearance & photoshoot pictures from the television show of your choice are all allowed.
Images from any TV Show is acceptable, ranging from current and off-air shows, including mini-series and made for tv movies.

Sample Images:

You don't have to use images that are dark to begin with - using normal images and make the art dark through lighting & textures is just as good - but I've found some dark images to help everyone get started.

1. Firefly (Inara & Mal)
2. Torchwood (Owen & Toshiko)
3. Robin Hood (Will)
4. Veronica Mars (Logan & Veronica)
5. Heroes (Claire & Peter)
6. Roswell (Liz)

-Blending images is allowed.
-Crossover entries are allowed.
-You can add text, animation, textures, stock images, gradients, etc.

-There is no size limit. Your art can be as small or as large as you like.
-You can submit a maximum of two entries for this part of the challenge.


Part B:

The show featured for this week's image challenge is Supernatural, the popular CW show that stars Jensen Ackles and Jared Padelecki as brothers Dean and Sam Winchester. I've chosen six promotional images (from the first two seasons) for you to make entries with.

-Blending images is allowed, but you can only blend the provided images with each other.
-You can add text, animation, textures, stock images, gradients, etc.

-There is no size limit. Your art can be as small or as large as you like.
-You can submit a maximum of two entries for this part of the challenge.

Overall Rules:

-Entries must be pm'd in to me (thedreamygirl) before the deadline.
-Please don't submit some of your old work! All entries must be made new for the challenge. We will not accept entries you made ages ago.
-Like it said in the rules for this set of challenges, you are not allowed to show your entries off before voting goes up.

- Remember, you are allowed to enter a maximum of four entries overall but only two entries for each part of the challenge. (So two for part a and two for part b is your maximum: you can't enter three or four for part a alone, etc.)

-The deadline for entries is Monday 29th September 5am GMT Monday 6th October 12noon GMT (UK time).

How to submit an entry:
1. Click on my username and go to my userinfo/profile and then select "Send this user a message". (Shortcut: click here.)
2. In your pm provide the following:

URL of your entr(y)(ies).
Show featured
Do you want a banner if you place?

3. Click send!

Don't forget about the new rule that all entries must be hosted anonymously - i.e. somewhere like Imageshack or Tinypic. Hosting on Photobucket isn't allowed! The details can be found in the rules post

Number of participants: 04
Number of entries: 11


This thread will be kept open, but when you have finished your entry don't forget to submit it via pm! Please don't submit your entry as a reply to this post by accident!

We're very excited to see what you all come up with and we hope you have fun making your entries! :D If you have a question about the challenge don't hesitiate to reply to this thread asking us about it, and we will get back to you as soon as we can. Also, if anyone ever has an idea/suggestion for a challenge be sure to pm it to me. :)

Good luck!

Don't forget to vote in Challenge One!

fanart challenges, fanart challenges challenge post

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