Title: Sweetest Sound
Author: Nikki Harrington
Fandom: Due South
Pairing: Benton Fraser/Raymond Vecchio
Rating: G
Word Count: 100
Summary: A sequel to
Beginning Again. Ray and Benny continue their journey back to Chicago.
Challenge: #26 - 'Sweet'
We continued to drive south.
Back to Chicago.
Back to our home.
Canada's air's much sweeter than the city, but I didn't notice it.
I was too busy noticing Benny.
Noticing his silence.
Noticing how he'd look at me and then look away.
Noticing the sound of my own voice.
As I drove I talked.
As I talked I drove.
Still he said nothing.
Still he just sat there.
Looking at me.
Watching me.
A slight frown between his eyes.
His head on one side.
I could see he was trying to -
One word.
The sweetest sound I'd ever heard.