Title: Keeping Faith
Author: Darby Brennan
Fandom: The Professionals
Pairing: WAP Bodie/Raymond Doyle
Rating: G
Word Count: 100
Summary: There is nothing Bodie and Doyle wouldn't do for one another.
Challenge: # 24 'Boundaries'
There are no boundaries between Bodie and Doyle.
Nothing they wouldn't do for one another.
There couldn't be.
Not when they rely on one another for everything.
They need one another to stay alive.
They need one another to stay sane.
They need one another to keep faith.
They need one another to love.
Love was the biggest boundary they had to cross.
But also the easiest one of all.
Because when it came down to it, love wasn't a boundary.
Love was just another way of keeping faith with one another.
There are no boundaries between Bodie and Doyle.