Title: Always Remain
Author: Darby Brennan
Fandom: The Professionals
Pairing: WAP Bodie/Raymond Doyle
Rating: PG
Word Count: 100
Summary: Cowley is dead, but will he ever really be gone?
Challenge: #20 'Rain'
It was raining.
Bodie reckoned it was fitting. Funerals should take place in the rain.
Besides, didn't it always rain in Scotland?
Doyle just cast him a withering look.
Susan and Betty were crying.
Doyle was fighting back the tears.
Silly old sod, why had he gone alone?
Hadn't he always told them not to?
Hadn't he taught them better than that?
"Aye, laddie. And now you'll remember it more than ever."
Doyle started and looked behind him.
He saw nothing but the rain.
But Doyle knew.
He knew that whilst Cowley might be gone, his spirit would always remain.