Okay, this might be a head-scratcher -- The Knight. And even better, my other contender was The Stopper Of Stories. (omg whut a writer a stopper of stories lolwtf XD;; ) "When I'm submissive I'm VERY submissive, but I'm stubborn, have a hot temper, and like winning arguments" -- a natural combatitve spirit. In a way, how Fakir behaved when he took on his first role. You want to be recognized for your work, but not be famous per se. "stories of sacrifice for others, particularly those you love, often get to me" -- the Knight's highlighted moment was his ultimate sacrifice for his prince, even though it may have been pointless in the end, kind of like the original Little Mermaid story. Your general temperament, your inherited protectiveness and not wanting people to injure themselves is very Knight-like. Your Princess Tutu-related answers sealed it for me. The Knight is kind of odd in that he wants, he tries to defy his fate but fails spectacularly at it. In that role defying that failure doesn't happen; for Fakir, he's lucky he
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Actually...You know, I didn't think about it at all, but...that DOES sound like the Knight! XD Actually, I thought when I finished the app that 'Geez, this sounds like Fakir', so that kinda makes sense to me.
XDDD Actually, I think it kinda fits? I once had this idea in my head that in the final episode Autor and Fakir switch the roles they were "supposed" to fill--Fakir is writing the ending to the story, and Autor is protecting him.
..Plus, we had a curse day on Poly where he was a knight. XDD
I see the point with The Knight, but I'm gonna say The Young Writer since you said that would like for people to enjoy/remember you for you stories, yet you're shy and probably would be good for a leading role (like the Knight). Also, I didn't get a controlling or "it's all about me!" vibe from your app (which would have screamed Old Writer or Stopper of Stories to me) but rather the idea that you would like to be appreciated for what you've accomplished (or plan to accomplish). <3
Okay, instead of role, I kept thinking "a lot of Fakir, here, yo!" But, as for roles, I can see where the Knight comes into play, but I'm leaning more towards The Young Writer... The idea of guiding people to something (their story), but still giving them their own role. So there's a sort of pride (but not in a cocky way) with what you'd do and open-ness about it; which feels very Young Writer to me.
I think The Young Writer, it's obvious you're really dedicated to writing (so much so, you would favor it if your children held an interest in the arts as well.) ('My writing isn't good enough! I make Autor too whimpy! GIVE ME VALIDATION!') That's indicative of someone dedicated to writing all right. I dunno, it just came off as young writer-ish to me.
Comments 10
XDDD Actually, I think it kinda fits? I once had this idea in my head that in the final episode Autor and Fakir switch the roles they were "supposed" to fill--Fakir is writing the ending to the story, and Autor is protecting him.
..Plus, we had a curse day on Poly where he was a knight. XDD
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