Name: Tara
Age: Nineteen
Gender: Still female
What do you like most about yourself? I value my imagination and creativity the most. Those traits help fuel my dreams, and without my dreams, life would be unbearable. I also value my intelligence and my determination. I'm starting to care less about what others think of me, and just be happy with who am I, which is a trait I have been working long and hard for. I have also become more independent, and believe I have a talent for writing.
What do you like least about yourself? I dislike most of my body, and my pessimistic views. Although I can be focused on something, I can also be easily sidetracked by something that would hold my interest more. I have a terrible lack of energy, and my short temper gets the best of me more often than before. My patience is beginning to wear thin, and my health problems drive me up a wall. I've been spending money too lavishly lately, and my body can never seem to stay warm. I'm still having difficultly dealing with my mother, who is still trying to cling to me so she can be a lazy alcoholic, and have an excuse to do nothing because she has to take care of me. I would like to say I dislike the anti-social part of my personality, but most people do not deserve my attention with their stupidity.
How do you act in the company of other people? I paste on a smile, and make random small talk with strangers. I may be responsive for a little while, but then I'll remain silent, and try to get away from others. Around my friends, I'm much more open and geniune, unless someone comes around who is their friend but not my own, then I retreat into my little shell again.
Put an X (or whatever symbol you'd like) on all the options that apply to you.
Example: [X] Happy
Which of these words appeal to you? (Explain in brief beside each of the options you chose, if you feel the need to expound.)
[*] Contented (Being content is a balance. You're not overly happy, but not overly upset either. So, I enjoy it more than the extremes.)
[ ] Distressed
[*] Melancholy (I think there can be a beauty in the light saddness. You're not completely devastated, but there's a tug at your heart that reminds you life is not what you wish it was.)
[*] Moving (I like being moved by novels/poems/movies, etc. because of the emotional experience I rarely feel otherwise.)
[ ] Frustrated
[ ] Loving
[ ] Scared
[ ] Optimistic
[*] Kind ("Do onto others as you would have done to you.")
[*] Inquisitive (I believe it is important to be curious about your enviroment. However, for me personally, I like to wonder, but that doesn't mean I want answers.)
[ ] Self-important
[ ] Confident
[*] Loyal (Loyality is important, for without the bonds between people, the world would be even a worse place to be.)
Using the same list from above, which feelings do you experience the most? (Explain in brief if you want.)
[ ] Contented
[ ] Distressed
[*] Melancholy (I'm lost in my dreams because I am not fond of my life in reality. Although my dreams can make me happy, I still know reality is out there, and there's so much I'm missing and unable to obtain.)
[ ] Moving
[*] Frustrated (Anger would be more appropriate, but I'm often frustrated with other people's lack of knowledge, and my inability to just pick something up, and be a pro at it.)
[ ] Loving
[*] Scared (I'm a pretty paranoid person, looking over their shoulder often, always on guard, fearing the worse will happen, and illogically thinking the world is out to get them. I really dislike this part of myself, but I have a large difficulty getting over it.)
[ ] Optimistic
[*] Kind (Although I can loose my temper, I am kind to others, and hope they will return the feeling.)
[*] Inquisitive (I can be quite curious in my life about the mysterious of the world, but again, I enjoy merely pondering, and would be happy even if the answer was never found.)
[*] Self-important (I do tend to think of myself before others, but this is from others taking advantage of my feelings. Yet, I will put others before myself, especially if they are my loved ones.)
[ ] Confident
[*] Loyal (I'm very loyal to those I love, and tend to stick to a view/person when I agree with them.)
In general, are you more...
Introverted/extroverted? I'm much more introverted. I tend to keep my feelings to myself, and want to figure things out for myself. My independence is important to me, so I work to be self-efficient.
Bold/timid? I can randomly strike up a conversation with a stranger, but I also have an underlining fear, and will be on my guard, despite my smile. I'm not comfortable being the center of attention or a leader, but I also like things ran my way, so I mostly have to take over those roles. Overall, I am normally timid, but will speak/act up if needed.
Warm/detached? I try to be concerned about others' problems, and offer them advice, but it's often hard for me to relate. So, I use my logic, and hope it will help them somehow. I guess that would be more detached then..
Optimistic/pessimistic? I'm optimistic about my dreams coming true, but I'm often stuck in a negative view. Example, I doubt protesting will end a war, or even if someone who is terrible in Algebra studys very hard for a test that they'll even have a chance to do well. I'm realistic, although I'm a dreamer, if that makes any sense.
Emotionally strong/weak? I tend to be emotionally strong. I haven't cried for half a year, and try not to let my worries get the best of me. It also takes a lot for something to move me in a emotional way.
Skeptical/trusting? If you can't already tell, I'm quite skeptical. Skeptical of the government, of people's true intenstions, of promises, of commonly held beliefs, etc., etc.
Ambitious/idle (or perhaps already content)? I'm often a calm person, but I do have big dreams. I guess the question would be do I work towards those goals. Sometimes I do, sometimes I don't. Sometimes I push myself to the limits, while other times, I wait for things to just happen. My personality is so split, it's annoying.
Explain your answers as much as you can.
Do you consider yourself moody? Why or why not?I'm rarely at an extreme (rather it be jubilant, depressed, terribly upset, etc.), so I wouldn't consider myself moody. I can have my fits of depression and fits of rage, but they come and go within a few days, then I'm back to being calm and collected.
What mood do you usually find yourself in? I would say.. nostaglic. I'm calm, yes, but I often think of my past. This is a great pull of happiness, but also saddness. I miss my past greatly, and although it was enjoyable, I know it's not coming back. That realization sometimes hit me at the worse times, and I feel very distressed and longing for what once was. However, this is where my dreams can come in. They can save me from my depressive thoughts, and give me a hope to keep going, and that somehow, everything will work out in the end.
Which feeling have you least experienced (or don't want to experience)? Out of the heart shards, I rarely feel loved. The people around me are much more interested in their own problems than my own, and I must work very hard for their approval and attention. As for what I wish I didn't experience, I would say fear. I hate being tied down by my paranoid feelings, but I also want to be cautious. As much as I wish the world was good, there are far too many bad people who spoil those wishes. So, you need to be on your guard, and protect what needs protecting, and fight for what is good.
When someone wakes you up early in the morning, how do you usually react? Well, I tend to wake myself up, since again, I value my independence. When I do wake up, I look over at my little purple clock. If I have enough time, I roll over, and dream for a little more. I try not to fall back asleep, however, since it would probably be ten years until I woke back up ^^;
What do you think of what's happened in your life so far? I miss by childhood terribly, and wish I could go back to those simplier times. To not know the problems and feelings that plague adults, it would be a blessing. Although I have gone through many trails, I try to think positively, and believe they have made me stronger. I did not give up; I did not wallow in my own self pity. I put my energies into something else, and hoped for a better future. Although the future doesn't look promising, you never know what it can throw at you. I won't give up, no matter what.
What do you imagine your future to be like? As already said, it doesn't look promising. I feel like I'll be disappointed, and always wonder what could have been. However, there's still that little light of hope that I won't loose sight of. What's great about the future is it hasn't happened yet. You can keep working now so you can have a better future. Anything can happen, and that's the lure that reels me in.
Can you tell us something (anything! Can be a song, an object, fanart, anime, food, etc.) that touched you very deeply? The movie My Neighbor Totoro still affects me to this day. I can't put it into words, but this movie gives me the closest feeling of my childhood. When I'm watching it, I feel like I'm seven years old again. Everything's simple, I have lots of friends, my future will be bright, I can do anything, and nothing is impossible. This state of being, it's very precious to me, and I try to savour it each time I can capture it, no matter how short or long that may be.
If you were Mytho and had a choice not to get one (and only one) of your heart shards back, which one would it be and why? Hm.. I would say sorrow, because there is total lack of hope. Hope is one of the only things that keeps me going, so to go without it, I couldn't even imagine.
Your 3 vote links (edit as you go on):
Go to my room and I close my eyes I make believe that I have a new life I just don't understand how you can smile with all those tears in your eyes, when you tell me everything is wonderful now