Stamped; Heart Shards Theme

Sep 13, 2007 18:06

Name: Tomoyo Ichijouji
Gender: ♀

What do you like most about yourself? I love the fact that I know how to be pleasant to everyone I meet (including people that I have serious doubts about, which keeps me out of trouble lots of times, especially if I find those doubts are unfounded XD;; ), that I truly enjoy helping people out (whimsical acts of kindness are my spirit candies :D ). I also love being a cheerful person while also being thoughtful and insightful (they don’t often go together for some weird reason). And I love being the type to love knowledge and discovering what the world is and how it works. :D
What do you like least about yourself? ANXIETY. D:> If I could just be less nervous about what I’m doing, I could really do a lot more! Seriously! And I wish I wasn’t such a dern slowpoke. I’m so worried that I’ll forget something , or I get distracted, that I putter around, or sometimes just because I’m too tired. Or if I get absolutely hung up on something, it’s like getting caught on a snag. My propensity for getting distracted also irks me a lot.
How do you act in the company of other people? With unfamiliar people, pleasant, polite, and nice. With friends and family, cheerful, witty (or smart-aleck, whichever XD;; ), and thoughtful.

Put an X (or whatever symbol you'd like) on all the options that apply to you.
Example: [X] Happy

Which of these words appeal to you? (Explain in brief beside each of the options you chose, if you feel the need to expound.)
[ x] Contented
[ ] Distressed
[ ] Melancholy
[ x] Moving
[ ] Frustrated
[ x] Loving
[ ] Scared
[ x] Optimistic
[ x] Kind
[ x] Inquisitive
[ ] Self-important
[ x] Confident
[ x] Loyal (not the “I’ll always believe you no matter what!” thing, but “I won’t break my promises” I do; see next list’s Loyal)

Using the same list from above, which feelings do you experience the most? (Explain in brief if you want.)
[ x] Contented (when I’m not anxious, I feel pretty calm and can take in the scenery, and ponder a while)
[ x] Distressed (anxiety = yes, and while this and scared are synonyms, it’s probably along the lines of this word rather than being frightened)
[ ] Melancholy (If I’m sad, it’s usually worry. See distressed.)
[ ] Moving
[ x] Frustrated (also anxiety; if things don’t go smoothly, I can stay calm but I really am upset at the same time, and apparently my teachers can notice)
[ x] Loving (in the same way that I feel kind; these two go hand in hand for me)
[ ] Scared
[ x] Optimistic
[ x] Kind (I think I genuinely love making people happier. It makes me feel very happy. For the past couple of years I volunteered at the hospital and other places, and it really was a great experience. :) )
[ x] Inquisitive (always. XD I love asking questions, and I love listening to the answers, or finding them myself!)
[ x] Self-important (I do place a lot of importance in myself, because I think my life has value. Besides the fact that I think I do have lots to share with the world, my talents and my feelings, lots of good people have put so much for my life, I don’t think I should waste it for them, right?)
[ x?] Confident (…I have lots of doubt in myself. In fact that’s one of my weaknesses. Yet I’m so forthright, and when I feel strongly about something I behave as if I have unwavering confidence in myself. Yet I still question myself in my weak times, very strongly at that.)
[ sorta] Loyal (…I don’t betray anyone. But I don’t have blind faith either. ^^;; Although, reliable I would put a big check by. If I say I’ll do something, then by golly I will. I don’t make promises lightly. That’s why you won’t see me making absolute no-maybes promises often, because I don’t want to disappoint anybody without giving them the possibility ahead of time ^^;; )

In general, are you more...
Introverted/extroverted? …I’m not sure about this one now. I took a Maier-Briggs (sp?) test and I got introverted both times I took it, but it depends on what I’m doing. If it’s something I’m interested in, I’ll be very active, but otherwise I won’t. If it’s my good friends but I’m not very into it, then I still won’t feel very engaged but I’ll like talking with them anyway.
Bold/timid? Bold. I think sometimes too much for my own good at times. ^^;; I may pull back when I’m in an unfamiliar place, but even then it’s like one side of me is yanking the reigns saying “Nonono! Unsafe! Hold it!” and my other side will just pull right past it and say it out anyway, especially if that side thinks that it’s something that needs to be said.
Warm/detached? Warm. Even when I’m quite distant from everyone, I’m usually very polite and with a smile. Of course if I know the people I can be very involved. In general I’m quite candid, but I think sometimes I can lose my tact if I’m not careful.
Optimistic/pessimistic? Optimistic. Grah, you know what? I would be a very insufferable pessimist, because I would complain tirelessly. Pessimism brings out the worst in me, not the better, so I just refuse to go that direction. As said in my previous apps, pessimism for me will make itself come true, and so will optimism (neither is a guarantee, but your point of view has a lot to do with your reality). Besides, I think I’m more myself when I look onward and say to myself I’ll keep going.
Emotionally strong/weak? Strength not that I don’t get upset often (I do), but in that I take it on and try to keep on going with what I’m doing. I’ll think it through. I consider myself pretty determined, even if I get frustrated easily too.
Skeptical/trusting? Skeptical, for safety of myself and others, and also to be able to see sides of matters that aren’t apparent. It’s more interesting that way!
Ambitious/idle (or perhaps already content)? Ambitious. I want to get into med school to be a physician of some sort, and that requires a lot of discipline and diligence (studying, studying, studying ^o^;; ), so it’s not for anyone that isn’t willing to work hard. XP

Explain your answers as much as you can.

Do you consider yourself moody? Why or why not? Yes. I can be very calm many times, but that can change in an instant if the right situation arose. Such as when I get anxious. XD;; Or if I feel very strongly about something and someone mentions it. I am very, very sensitive, no matter how rationally I think, so I can be very heavily affected by seemingly little matters.
What mood do you usually find yourself in? Curious and wondering. I like to think and brainstorm. I wonder a lot about many things, and I like to figure things out, make connections. In my most positive moments, I’m enthusiastic about something I’ve imagined and thought out.
Which feeling have you least experienced (or don't want to experience)?
Hmm…choosing a feeling out of the list, it would probably be loneliness, actually. I think I’ve felt it more often now than previously, but I usually don’t feel a strong need to be with people when I’m not with them. Mostly that’s because I busy myself with a lot of other things I can do by myself, and I don’t feel lonely then, whether it’s writing, or watching something, or the vast majority of times doing homework, when it’s nice to be alone and not be distracted. :P My brain can occupy itself a lot of times…
When someone wakes you up early in the morning, how do you usually react?
Uh…if I’m REALLY sleepy, then I’ll just sorta go “Hrrrrr…?” and drift back to sleep. If not, it’ll depend on how it was done. If they’ve gone over to my bed and shaken me awake, I presume it’s something important and I’ll try and pay attention. If it was because someone was being too loud, if it was accidental I’ll ignore it and go back to sleep or politely ask them to stop, but if it gets obnoxious I’ll let them know up front.
What do you think of what's happened in your life so far? Hmm, can’t complain. I think I get hung up over so many small things that I eventually forget about. I think I have a pretty fortunate life, but that I’ve gotten a lot of where I am because I worked hard to make use of the opportunities I got. …I think I’d probably have a lot more to say some other time, but I think now I’m in a place in life where I need to think now and forward so it’s hard to look back very carefully.
What do you imagine your future to be like? I doubt it’ll be full of action and danger (I’m much too careful for that), but I think it’ll be full of very cerebral kinds of excitement. I imagine I’ll be in medicine somewhere, and I’ll still be working away at my stories and try to get some published, while keeping up with whatever stuff is happening then. Doesn’t sound too different from now; it’s a long but rich and personally rewarding path.
Can you tell us something (anything! Can be a song, an object, fanart, anime, food, etc.) that touched you very deeply?
There’s actually one that moved me in a very harsh, devastating way: the book 1984. I remember that when I finished reading that book, I literally threw it across the room and broke out sobbing profusely. It was so full of absolute despair at the end I couldn’t stand it. I never wanted to live in a society that was going anywhere near how it was there. In fact, whenever I think of the story it reminds me why we need to make the world as wonderful as we can around us, even for just the tiniest things. By being kind to others, making their day a little better, they can have the emotional strength and energy to give to yet others. Heck, they’ve done studies; people that feel safe and happy are more inclined to give to others, because it helps the giver as well as the receiver. If not, if they’re feeling in danger all the time and alone or abandoned, they’re going to feel desperate and then the most horrible sides of people will show themselves. I want to avoid those 1984s lurking in the shadows and make this world a place where we never have to settle for tragedies by battling them away ourselves, with whatever we can do, however seemingly insignificant.
If you were Mytho and had a choice not to get one (and only one) of your heart shards back, which one would it be and why?
Disappointment and Regret would be ones I could do without, what with their ties to frustration and anxiety, but I suppose if I had to choose between Disappointment and Regret it would be Regret. Regret would be something that lingers, and you keep thinking, “what if I had done that? Wouldn’t this be better then?” I really hate lamenting over things that have happened already that I can’t do anything about anymore. Disappointment is horrible when it happens, but on the other hand if it’s something you don’t regret later I think somehow that’s better. Regret is something completely separate from learning from your mistakes, because when you figure out how to not do it again next time you actually go on and not let the “what if I knew before” s shackle you from doing stuff now.

I've voted thrice

love, !heartshardsthemestamped, curiosity

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