Stamped; Heart Shards Theme

Sep 04, 2007 04:33

Name: Nadia
Age: 17
Gender: Female

What do you like most about yourself? That I am good at helping/giving advice to people when I do give them some help/advice.
What do you like least about yourself? That when I'm not lazy/relaxing, I am very stressed out and/or working hard on something (like seriously once I start working on something (like cleaning my room for instance) I will not stop till I'm done (it as perfectly as it can be done in my hands/mind). This why I tend to like to keep being relaxed/lazy.
How do you act in the company of other people? Around my friends I tend to get/be clingy and hyper, sometimes I even can get overprotective of them (which is yet another side of my clingy-ness to them). and of course with the hyper side comes my fun-loving/fun-needing side.Which of these words appeal to you?
[ ] Contented
[ ] Distressed
[ ] Melancholy
[ ] Moving
[ ] Frustrated
[x] Loving
[ ] Scared
[x] Optimistic
[x] Kind
[ ] Inquisitive
[x] Self-important
[x] Confident
[x] LoyalUsing the same list from above the left side, which feelings do you experience the most?
[ ] Contented
[ ] Distressed
[ ] Melancholy
[ ] Moving
[ ] Frustrated
[x] Loving
[ ] Scared
[x] Optimistic
[x] Kind
[ ] Inquisitive
[ ] Self-important
[ ] Confident
[x] LoyalIn general, are you more...
Introverted/extroverted? Extroverted.
Bold/timid? Bold. I for one do not lack in self-assurance or am shy. I'm a bold person in almost every sense. not all of the sense mind you, I am not bold enough to jump into danger just like that but I'm bold enough to talk back to someone (teacher, parent, friend even) if I disagree with them. and I'm also bold enough to break rules (I'm was guilty of skipping school once upon a time.) and I am more than a little forward sometimes when I want something.
Warm/detached? Mix of both. I am attached to some things and detached others. but who isn't? I don't think you could not be a mix of both. It's hard to attach or detach yourself to everything.
Optimistic/pessimistic? Optimistic. I always look to the bright side of things cause no matter how bad things get, there's always a bright side (big or small) out there and I almost always do figure out what that is.
Emotionally strong/weak? Emotionally strong. Yes! I sometimes let my emotions control my actions (both when good or bad). but my emotions are also strong for my friends, pets, family. I love them muchly.
Skeptical/trusting? Trusting. A little to much so. I've been used by people I thought I could trust/try to trust and in the end it ended up where I was used and thrown a side. I try/have tired to be skeptical with people that I've just met but I am to trusting for my own good. I never ever stayed to skeptical of someone for long if we formed a seemingly nice friendship.
Ambitious/idle (or perhaps already content)? Content. I have everything I really need in life (but right now I feel sorta a little bit ambitious since I want to buy a new manga. (but) other than that I'm content enough with everything right now).

Explain your answers as much as you can.
Do you consider yourself moody? Why or why not? No. I can get to be a bit moody/off from time to time but I do not consider my self to be very depressed/gloomy.
What mood do you usually find yourself in? That would have to be a mix of Mischievous and Happy, but mostly with the happy showing on the service, and mischievous in thought/mind.
Which feeling have you least experienced (or don't want to experience)? Pride. I've had my share of prideful moments and if I could help it I would never want to experience this feeling if it came to me in a "I don't need you, I can to it myself" sense, but if it came to me in a good job and I am very prideful on it well done kind of way I wouldn't care. but this is the emotion I would be glad to not ever experience again, right after loneliness of course. *points down to the last question*
When someone wakes you up early in the morning, how do you usually react? Depends if the call me or try to shake me awake.
-If they call me I would ignore if I didn't ask them to wake me up and try to go back to sleep ...but if I had (asked them to wake me) I would either beg for 5 more minutes or get up quickly (only if I asked them to wake me up for some important reason.)
- and if they tried shaking me awake, I would either 1) turn over and ignore them and go back to sleep and/or 2) I would get up if they kept shaking me to awake (and I would maybe attack them well I was at it).
What do you think of what's happened in your life so far? I think all that has happened in my life so far has been there to make me the good and somewhat evil person I am today. Like instance even if I wasn't really accepted into a crowd of people till high school, I don't care, cause it has made me a better person than what most ("cool") teenagers are today and has also kept me away from doing something stupid like trying drugs cause "other more "cool" people" are doing "it". Everything that has happened in my life so far was for the better, and I wouldn't change it for anything at all cause I seriously like how I turned out (even if most my childhood memories were 30% bad).
What do you imagine your future to be like? Well I imagine myself using my above average math skills and seemly lucky guesses to sorta gamble my riches through stocks but still working part time at either a anime store, bar, or pet store and on the side learning to fix and actually fix up cars, bikes, etc. That's really all I got planned up for myself.
Can you tell us something that touched you very deeply? This song touches me every time I listen to it: Duran Duran - What Happens Tomorrow (If you listen to it, you'll understand what I mean)
If you were Mytho and had a choice not to get one (and only one) of your heart shards back, which one would it be and why? Loneliness, cause I have to much of a problem when I get lonely. and I get lonely to easily. For example if any one of my friends does something with another friend and even if they did that something before I learned of their time together, I still feel left out a little. and even if I know they didn't do that just to make me feel lonely, I still feel a/that sense of loneliness in me. I hope that makes both sense and is a good enough reason.

Voted on: itsplashes, 3libras, mangaka_chan.

!heartshardsthemestamped, devotion

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