Title: A Long Day's Journey Into...
fencer_xPairing: Nataraja/Pasupata
Rating: PG-13
Summary: Nataraja and Pasupata take a trip. Along the way, there are two rooms, two beds, a smelly inn--and lots of awkwardness :D
Notes: Because I just couldn't help myself :P Another fic in
this universe~
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Comments 3
And hmm, a month of traveling together... That seems like it could definitely lend itself to more, right?? XD
Oh, but it was so worth the wait... okay, well, I didn't really wait too long seeing as I copied and pasted it to a notepad on my iPod and read it during lunch and what not ;) Ah, glorious things iPods :D
I didn't think there was any way I could be more head over heels for these characters... but then I watched Mahamode and you posted another fic in a series of fics, and I am all grins and my heart is just as clenched as these two. This is all so very gooooooooooooooood!!!!!!!
I've always got a favorite moment/line/what-have-you, and this is it:
He brushed a tongue against Nataraja's, who in response pressed in harder, eyes squeezed shut as he ran his tongue along the inside of Pasupata's mouth as if in fear that opening them would break the spell.I think this describes ( ... )
Pasupata gestured between them. "...This thing?"
A nod. "What is it?"
"...It needs a name?"
Nataraja frowned, flushing. He really preferred the fun part of this thing to the awkward conversing part of it. "I...doesn't it?"
IDK. I just find that part cute *___________________*
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