Title: No Goodbyes Author: Rissa Pairing: TutixNagayan Genre: the fluff, it burns us precious! (worksafe) Word Count: 2,819 Summary: Inspired by this little gem of information.
I so don't have time or spare brain cells to put together a coherent comment on this but OMG I <3 it! ^___^ I'll be back later to reread/recomment, if you don't mind!
Yay! I like sap. ^______^ Especially your sap. *nodnod* ♥ ♥
So yes, needless to say, I loved this. XD *wibbles* I'm going to happily imagine this every time I hear that song now. Guh. *____*
(I'm curious too... Was this one of the ones you started a long time ago? Because I don't remember this one at all. But that's okay, because that just means it was a really nice surprise. :D)
Anyway. XD I'm going to go and listen to the love song on repeat now too, thanks to you. ^_~ ...And have happy, fluffy introspective thoughts about stretched out moments, warm fingers and perfect hugs~ Yay. *melts* ♥
You know I don't mind reading utter sap like this, but realizing that I wrote it is not letting me completely appreciate the depth this story probably has XD;;;
And yep, this was another one I'd begun ages and ages ago. I think I might have sent you the first part? I know I gave it to someone maybe last September. It seemed the easiest one to get done compared to the rest, so I took it ^_~
Mmmm hugs and fingers... sounds like the makings of a good smut fic to me *nudge nudge* ;)
Yaaaaaay :D It was rather poetic, wasn't it? I'm glad it was so much appreciated, if I'd let myself stop to think of a second about what I was writing I probably wouldn't have completed it ^^;;
What a powerful backstage moment. I like how Takashi was in denial of the truth until this special moment, like a veil being lifted and a bonk on the head delived causing him to go, "Oh... OH... Oh that is what this is!" :)
And guh, yeah, ever since I read that little translation I was dying inside to document something about what might have gone on with them after the scene was over, whether it was the next day or that same night or immediately when they'd gone back stage. Eventually I came up with this and it seems to have taken on a unique life of it's own ^^
Comments 19
And now I'm going to have to listen to that love song on a loop for the rest of the night *swoons happily*
So yes, needless to say, I loved this. XD *wibbles* I'm going to happily imagine this every time I hear that song now. Guh. *____*
(I'm curious too... Was this one of the ones you started a long time ago? Because I don't remember this one at all. But that's okay, because that just means it was a really nice surprise. :D)
Anyway. XD I'm going to go and listen to the love song on repeat now too, thanks to you. ^_~ ...And have happy, fluffy introspective thoughts about stretched out moments, warm fingers and perfect hugs~ Yay. *melts* ♥
And yep, this was another one I'd begun ages and ages ago. I think I might have sent you the first part? I know I gave it to someone maybe last September. It seemed the easiest one to get done compared to the rest, so I took it ^_~
Mmmm hugs and fingers... sounds like the makings of a good smut fic to me *nudge nudge* ;)
Thanks for sharing!
And guh, yeah, ever since I read that little translation I was dying inside to document something about what might have gone on with them after the scene was over, whether it was the next day or that same night or immediately when they'd gone back stage. Eventually I came up with this and it seems to have taken on a unique life of it's own ^^
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