Title: Teacher Knows Best Author: KY Genre: Hikaru no Go x TeniMyu crossover Pairing: AkiraxHikaru, TutixNagayan Rating: Pillow stuffing Summary: A little tutoring go, a little tutoring in love...
*melts into a puddle* Damn that was... *melts some more* that was just beautiful and the description of Nagayan when Tuti made his appearance just felt so perfect ♥ ♥ ♥ There were so many moments in that where I couldn't stop grinning to myself!
Gah and now I really want to read one of the books I got for my birthday, it's called The Master of Go by Yasunari Kawabata and the moment I opened it I thought of you ^_~
I can't tell you how excited I was to see this ... as you know these are my two major fandoms. *huggles* I was really curious as to how it would go, but I knew you would do a great job. I really loved how you made Nagayan illuminate with Tuti's arrival. And Touya, I just loves Touya in this for sme reason. You captured his thought process and reactions pretty accurately.
The cute! The gay! The HikaxAki with the TutixNagayan. It makes me ... want to rewatch Hikago and revamp some of my stuff ...
Eeeee. I'm not one for crossovers, usually, but this is so much love. Eeeee. Eeeeee. Eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee. Two good fandoms + good fic = puddle of me.
“People are gonna get bored pretty fast watching you guys if it’s five minutes per move, you know?” - *giggles* XD Somehow I can picture that so easily. XD Nagayan and his quest for authenticity. ♥
...Akira is so smug; I love it. XD
You can push a little bit, I know some people like to do that for effect.” Shindou shot Akira a look. !! Excellent. :D
...I'm going to stop this and just read, really. XD;;;;
It would be worth checking out, since he’d be playing Shindou, naturally. - Some things never change, eh? :D
Ok, finished. ^_~ Yaaaay~! *dances* This was wonderful. The smile... *wibbles* Those parts were perfect, his face lighting up, and Tuti's laugh. *sighs happily* Mmm, anyway, I love how this came together. The end especially, with Akira and Shindou both noticing what was going on, etc. XD XD YAY. Rest assured that I am very happy that you were inspired enough to finish so quickly~! XD
Comments 10
Gah and now I really want to read one of the books I got for my birthday, it's called The Master of Go by Yasunari Kawabata and the moment I opened it I thought of you ^_~
I can't tell you how excited I was to see this ... as you know these are my two major fandoms. *huggles* I was really curious as to how it would go, but I knew you would do a great job. I really loved how you made Nagayan illuminate with Tuti's arrival. And Touya, I just loves Touya in this for sme reason. You captured his thought process and reactions pretty accurately.
The cute! The gay! The HikaxAki with the TutixNagayan. It makes me ... want to rewatch Hikago and revamp some of my stuff ...
Thank you so much!
...Akira is so smug; I love it. XD
You can push a little bit, I know some people like to do that for effect.” Shindou shot Akira a look. !! Excellent. :D
...I'm going to stop this and just read, really. XD;;;;
It would be worth checking out, since he’d be playing Shindou, naturally. - Some things never change, eh? :D
Ok, finished. ^_~ Yaaaay~! *dances* This was wonderful. The smile... *wibbles* Those parts were perfect, his face lighting up, and Tuti's laugh. *sighs happily* Mmm, anyway, I love how this came together. The end especially, with Akira and Shindou both noticing what was going on, etc. XD XD YAY. Rest assured that I am very happy that you were inspired enough to finish so quickly~! XD
I'm glad you stayed up. This was wonderful to wake up to.
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