Disaster Legacy - 1.0

Sep 28, 2017 11:03


Hey kids.

Can't get rid of me. I expect like 2 people to read these but, I'm very stressed and I enjoy doing this so hey here I go new legacy

So this is our founder! Swift Disaster (thank you to True and Water for naming her)
She is: Artistic, a bookworm, over emotional, an animal lover and a bit unlucky
She also wants to be an illustrious author! aka reach top skills in writing and painting

I kinda cheat and always give my legacy founders more money. So here's her house! I'm not the best builder/decorator so eh. My main thing is they have enough SPACE

Oh and she has a cat. Her name is Squirrel

Squirrel is great

You are not great
Please leave

As cute as this is, Swift, this is a legacy so we gotta go hunting for a spouse

Sent her to the library where she just got a book and started reading
Swift! go talk to people!
Swift: "What people?"
The people--


So there were like. No people
it was weird

No ice cream for Squirrel!

New day, starting it off with the favorite food PANCAKE

I made a bunch of sims and threw them into the town cause it actually was barren it was weird

This was the most important person there
Their name is Mackie

I'm glad you agree

Swift: "So, I love to read! What's your favorite book...? Are you okay?"

"Books are LAME."
Swift: "Oh."

I had Swift try talking to her (her name is Mable). Her hair is kinda pixelated but she's cute! Unfortunately she ran away to vomit. That and

I forgot to check until right then (cause I use a mod) but Swift is apparently straight. well I"M SORRY I thought Mable seemed nice and she owned that kitten so

Gonna try the man with the wolf tattoo on his back sure

"I'm Issac. I like your hair. And your glasses. And your face."
He immediately flirted with her. Immediate. It was the second thing after she said hello.

Swift: "I like your hair too. It's kind of.. got purple undertones. I like purple."
Issac: "Neat."

She's into it though

Are you ok?

Swift: "Oh my GOSH! They're... Not purple. BUT THEY'RE ALMOST PURPLE!!!"
Close enough?

He's kinda cute, yeh?

Then he unfurled his locks and left.

Ok. Anyway. What'd you think of him, Swift?

Swift: "I really could go for some more pancakes..."
...yeh ok

I had her invite him over later and she was a bit startled
I mean, his hair was still long

Swift: "Now what?"
idk. talk to him?



Then she got up and looked worried again but he's into her lol he kept making happy noises and touching over his heart

Well then DO IT he is waiting so patiently

Hooray :D


The romantic selfie option is one of my favorite things expect to see it a lot

Aw they're cute c:

Swift: "NOW WHAT?"

Issac: "Sure, I'll live here."
Swift: "...!?"
And so he did

Dreaming about things they love

Ok, YOU were not invited

Squirrel will defend this household

Oh, nvm Issac got this

And Swift is waaaaaaaay into it
He beat the shit out of the nacho loving robber

You're fine walk it off

When I said she was into it
This popped up instantly after the robber was gone


Here's his traits by the way. I expected flirty or hopeless romantic or something with the way he's ALWAYS swooning but, nope?

No one is happier about Issac moving in than Squirrel, let me just say

...H-hello. Can I

Can I help you?


Ok bye

How to read with your friend

Squirrel loves Issac, not the biggest fan of his pajamas

Oh. Hello
An alien showed up looking for love no big deal

Swift thought they were GREAT

Swift: "You're... very lovely..."
Oxqa: "So is your cylinder paper!!!"

Oxqa: "Human! What is that over there?"

Swift: "I don't--?"
Then they threw water balloons at each other until they left
A true encounter

I hope to see you again Oxqa

You won't be the baby for long Squirrel... BECAUSE

Why she thinks that is more comfortable than her giant sweater, idk

Swift: "Listen. If we're going to have a baby together then..."
Issac: "Then?"

And cause it's gen 1, I did a quick private wedding


And he continues

To swoon
Meanwhile Swift is like "yeah he's ok"

But he luv her

Baby room! :D

Issac: "Soon."


That's all for now!

sims 3, sims

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