Title: Missing Halves
Pairing: KyuSung (Kyuhyun x Yesung)
Rating: PG
Genre: Romance (& a little angst?)
Disclaimer: I don't own the characters (apart from one of them, who is entirely fictional)
Summary: The story of one boy's struggles to find his other half.
10 Settings Challenge: #10 - Emergency Room(
This love story begins as most love stories do: with a boy and a girl. )
Comments 28
kyu really likes story time. haha. and he already knew it was about him.
the present time/non story time reminded me of "the princess bride" if you know it.
so sad for only 1 more :(
Yes omg I love The Princess Bride(but I've only watched the movie...really need to read the book at some point). I was actually reading another book, which inspired this, but I thought about the Princess Bride when I was writing Ha-Eun & Kyuhyun's exchanges - I'm surprised you picked up on it! <3 Props to you hehe xD
I'm sad too :( I'm going to miss this challenge, it's been lots of fun ^^
Thanks for reading & commenting <3
You'll have to find a new challenge then. Another fun one! ^^
these lines: The girl, heartbroken at her best friend’s inability to confess to the maknae, decided to finally take matters in her own hands. She decided to do what she does best and tell the maknae a story. A story where all the characters and their similarities to people in real life were purely coincidental. But this story touched the thirteenth member deeply, and he realized that he no longer wanted to be just a half of a whole. He wanted to become complete too, just like the boy in the story. The girl left the tale unfinished, and told the thirteenth member complete the story.
asdfg!! surprise & happiness just washed over me once i've read them~
~ha-eun unnie, thank u for bringing them together <3
& wait, there's only one setting left? noo! i'm gonna miss these :((
Ha-Eun is awesome for bringing them together. They were both being idiots, and she couldn't stand seeing them not get together :D
Aww I'm going to miss this challenge too! It means a lot that it'll be missed by other people too though! <3
Thanks for reading & commenting (as always!) :):)
Good job!
this is nice just like always! plus this is the first time I saw this writing style!
I'm now being totally biased!!!
I'm being so biased because of fanfictions.... AASDFGHJKLASDFGHJKLASDFGHJKL
I'm starting to think they are true!!!
IDK anymore!!
cute Kyuhyun is cute!! Yesung is a very good Hyung!!!
1 more to go!!
BTW I will not be so active now in LJ because of some unexpected reasons....
so if ever I'm not able to comment on your fics I want you to know that I'm still reading it no matter what^^
well it's just a possibility...
it's just I'm too depressed and sad at the moment...
take care and always be happy Nana!!
I love you~
-sad face-
Depressed and sad? :(( Please don't be!
I'm glad you liked this ^^ I think you've influenced me and I'm writing all these fluffy happy endings hehe.
I'm already totally biased. That's probably why I'm spreading the bias :D:D
You be happy first! -hugs again-
If you ever need someone to talk to, I'm here for you!
I love you more~
This is really well-written (tho i'm not much of a fan for non-au fics).
I love this ;~;
Hehe I'm with you on the AU, but it's fun to spice things up once in a while as a writer ^^ Idk, I've just always liked writing non-AU, and read AU lol! :P
Thanks so much for reading & commenting :D
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