Социальные работники Лондонского округа Мертон требуют закрыть уже два моих блога. Суд завтра

Oct 18, 2012 20:17

Кафка отдыхает, как только что прокомментировала моя подруга. Рехнуться можно, но таковы реальности Великобритании. Завтра в Лондоне должен, оказывается,  состояться суд, где будет рассматриваться вопрос о закрытиии сразу двух моих блогов: вот этого русскоязычного ЖЖ, который вы сейчас читаете, и англоязычного блога http://save-katya.livejournal.com/ . Социальные службы Лондонского округа Мертон подали в суд на журналистку Лайлу Брице и меня, как соответчицу, требуя закрыть оба мои блога на основании того, что там опубликована информация о четырехлетней Кате Брице  http://turtaniat.livejournal.com/2317552.html   . Той самой, которую работники Лондонского округа Мертон обманом и подлогом документов увели от матери и теперь готовят ребенку насильственное удочерение. Соединенными усилиями и при подключении британского юриста в звании бакалавра мы выяснили, что в деле Кати нарушены не только Конвенция ООН по правам ребенка  http://www.un.org/ru/documents/decl_conv/conventions/childcon.shtml и Гаагская конвенция о защите детей и сотрудничестве в области иностранного усыновления  http://www.usynovite.ru/documents/international/convention_int/
но и ряд британских законов. Как я понимаю, именно грядущее обнародование этих фактов и беспокоит социальных работников Лондонского округа Мертон. Правда, они прикрывают этот свой шкурный интерес "заботой" об интересах четырехлетней Кати, которую, как печалится социальная работница Рут Уилкинсон, в этом случае будет сложно передать на насильственное, то есть без согласия матери, удочерение. Вот пришла записка от Лайлы (увы, англоязычная) и ряд связанных с завтрашним судом документов. Публикую почти все. Записка от Лайлы:

Dear all,

please see the document attached - I have just received the Notice about the Injunction Hearing for tomorrow, the 19 th October 2012.
As you can see from the scanned document attached, the LA of the London Borough of Merton did not give me the time to get legal advice. 
However I will try to be in touch.
I am going to the court tomorrow with my oldest daughter Mayja Zargarjana and my Partner Marc Hedman (see their details on CC), although I am not sure whether they will be allowed by the Judge to get in the courtroom.
I would like to remind you that I and Marc Hedman have filed the FP2 Form (Application Notice about revocation a Placement Order) with the Inner London Family&Proceedings Court yesterday.
I am still awaiting for the written notes of the Judgment issued on the 8 th October 2012 by the HHJ Judge Cryan who had dismissed our Appeals on the 8 Th October 2012 ...
Once I get the Written Notes I am going to lodge the Appeal with the Court of Appeal.


Laila Brice

Документ первый, в котором говорится, что на предыдущем слушании, где судья отказал Лайле в аппеляции по поводу отзыва ордера о помещении ее дочери на насильственное удочерение и отзыве ордера опеки, судья также потребовал в Лайлы, чтобы содержание вебсайта, где говорится об ее дочери, было удалено. (Ну, это мой ЖЖ, точнее - оба моих ЖЖ). И они хотят, чтобы Лайла удалила оба - ибо у них есть подозрения, что блог таки пишет она - ну, об этом говорит фраза на фотографии «Спасите мою дочь от насильственного удочерения» - “Save my daughter Katya from the forced adoption”. Социальная работница Рут Уилкинсон, которая произвела этот шедевр на свет, убеждена, что, поскольку речь идет о «моей дочери», а дочь эта - Лайлы,  то и блог пишет она.:)) Никогда не подозревала, что Лайла интересуется российской политикой, ага.:) В общем, читайте сами, я сейчас отдельным текстом сброшу продолжение сего англоязычного наставления. Хотя может и этого хватит.

Authority will seek an injunction from the judge on Monday (when you are next

in court).

I recognise that this is a very difficult time for yourself and Maiya but we have

to seek you cooperation with this request'

Best wishes,

Nick Rumball".

On Friday October sth 2012 Ms Brice emailed back to Mr Rumball

stating that the website was not hers but the action of a friend of hers

who is a journalist.

On Monday Bth October 2012, we were in Court for the judgment in

the appeals by Ms Brice and her adult daughter, Ms Zargarjana,

against the care and placement orders. At the conclusion of the

judgment the Local Authority sought the assistance of the court in

having the content of the website removed'

ln court, Ms Brice repeated her position that the website had been

set up by a friend of hers. His Honour Judge cryan asked Ms Brice

to ensure that the contents of the website were removed and Ms

Brice indicated that she would not do so because her friend is "a free

citizen in a free society". The Local Authority therefore indicated to

the Judge that it would make a formal application to the Court if this

matter could not be resolved by agreement'

Ms Brice indicated in court that the Local Authority already had the

contact details for her friend in Dublin who has set up the website'

However, the Local Authority can find no trace of this e-mail address.

I therefore e-mailed Ms Brice on 9th October 2A12 to request that she

sent me these details. This was so that the Local Authority could

contact this person directly and request that she remove this website'

Ms Brice did not provide this person's contact details' Her response

was received by e-mail on 1Sth october 2012 and read:






Dear Ruth

I have forwarded your email to Tatiana Turchina, so she has your contact details

and will be able to contact you directly.



The Local Authority has not so far received any communication from

Ms Turchina directly. However, I note that on 14th October 2012, the

website was updated with a post detailing the Local Authority's

request for this information [EXHIBIT RW2l. This is further evidence

that Ms Brice is fuelling the content of this website'

Since the matter was raised in Court, further information has been

added to the website. This includes the outcome of the hearing on

8th October when both appeals were refused. lt is clear that Ms Brice

is colluding with the author of the website by providing information to

her friend about the Court proceedings'

Since the appeal hearing concluded on Bth October 2012, it came to

the attention of the Local Authority that the same person appears to

have set up a second website:

http ://tu rta n i at. I ivejo u rna L co m/2 3 1 7 552. htm I

10. The text on this website is entirely in Russian and consequently we

do not know exactly what it says, save for the title page which says

,,save my daughter Katya from the forced adoption!" The Local

Authority believes that the reference to "my daughter" is further

evidence of the direct involvement of Ms Brice in these websites'

11. This website contains a number of photos that relate to Catherine,

her family, and the court process. These are exhibited to this

statement [EXHIBIT RW3].



12. The local authority seeks to have the content on the websites

removed as they are a clear contempt of court. The Local Authority is

also concerned that the photographs and the details about Catherine

that are shown on these sites could be prejudicialto her successful


12. As the Local Authority does not currently have any way to contact the

person whom Ms Brice claims manages these websites, and

consequently cannot request her cooperation, serve her with this

application or with any order that the Court may make following this

application, the Local Authority is seeking an order against Ms Brice

in the first instance. The Local Authority seeks an order that Ms

Brice provides the contact details for her friend, that she uses her

best endeavours to ensure that both websites are removed, and that

she stops providing information about Catherine to the author of

these websites.

Signed Date.

Ruth Wilkinson



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