2 Dead Like Me Ficlets + 1 MultiFandom Fic Meme

Jan 18, 2010 22:39

I had these two Dead Like Me ficlets that I had written this past summer and I totally forgot to post them so I'm doing it now for anyone who's interested. And the FIC MEME was done today to help spark the muse, but I don't know how successful it was. :)

Author: turquoisetumult 
Disclaimer: I don't own Dead Like Me or its characters.
Warning: This is unbeta-ed ( Read more... )

pushing daisies, tv shows, dollhouse, fic, supernatural, dead like me, angel, wonderfalls

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Comments 23

fluffernutter8 January 20 2010, 22:42:15 UTC
Maybe it's my Angel love coming out, but I loved the Dean&Angel and Angel&Ned ones. Angel's especially in character, but all the characters are good. Also loved the Dean one with the country club (hilarious and nice work on the dialog to take over for the words that you couldn't write) and the Ned&Mason one (so much fun!)

Nice job, especially because this kind of thing is MAD hard! I have a hard time getting a story into 100 words and you did only 30. Excellent!


turquoisetumult January 21 2010, 00:50:46 UTC
Yeah, it's great writing Angel because he's such an authoritative figure who's got all the answers (or tries help people figure it out along the way, anyway). I dunno. I miss him and his beyond-years wisdom. And I so wish he would meet Dean because ... that'd be awesome! (And Ned to an extent, but Ned's got enough weird issues to deal with that discovering the existence of vampires just make give him a panic attack. lol) Anywho, I'm really glad you liked how I wrote those two and the Dean!Crack one (mark my words, that will happen in canon one day! lol) I was unsure about the Ned/Mason one but I'm glad it worked!

It really really really was hard to keep it 30 words. I'd have a 50-60 word thing and I'd have to re-edit continuously... Still, I'm glad it seems to have worked out.

Thank you for the great feedback, hon! Glad you enjoyed these!


civique January 21 2010, 12:21:13 UTC
the fic meme is interesting, I esp. love the Ned/Angel ones :]

“Great. First, it’s doing good deeds by coercion, now it’s carrying angel spawn … my life sucks.”
this made me lol'd :D


turquoisetumult January 21 2010, 23:31:12 UTC
Thank you! I wish I could write more for each character because they're both such fascinating characters but it's difficult to get a story going for either one!

“Great. First, it’s doing good deeds by coercion, now it’s carrying angel spawn … my life sucks.”
this made me lol'd :D

Eeee, I'm so glad to hear it made you LOL! I can't remember - have you seen Wonderfalls? I personally think that that is something Jaye would say should the event ever happen to her! Haha.

I'm really have to you enjoyed this, Feli (or Felis or Felix). Thank you for the feedback!


civique January 22 2010, 02:37:27 UTC
I haven't seen Wonderfalls (yet) but I actually watched some of the clips through your journal haha

I'm really have to you enjoyed this, Feli (or Felis or Felix). Thank you for the feedback!
It's Felis, bb ;]
and really, I'm no writer but I know how hard it is to make a story work in only 30 words and you do a god job!


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