Wesley Fanmix!

Dec 12, 2008 17:47

My very first fanmix! EEP! I'm not sure why I didn't think of doing this before. And I finally got to do something dedicated to Season 3 - Season 5 Wesley! YAY!

Thank you to Aislynn who requested a fanmix as her Christmas present! (Merry Christmas, Aislynn! I hope you enjoy! ♥

=To see the images in their full size, simply click on the ( Read more... )

mp3s, music, characters, fanart, fanmix, holidays, angel, gifts, flist

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Comments 18

crickets December 13 2008, 00:53:55 UTC
Oh cool! Love Wesley! Downloading! This looks great hon!


turquoisetumult December 13 2008, 04:04:11 UTC
Wesley is too smexy not to love. :) Thanks for checking it out, KC. ♥


ageless_aislynn December 13 2008, 04:58:02 UTC
ZOMG! This is AMAZING!!! I'm downloading the mix right now and grabbing all of the gorgeous artwork! *bounces* Thank you so very much! *essplodes from squee!* :D :D :D I'm just so excited to have my very own fanmix like this, with such awesome thought and care put into it!

*majorly squishes you* Thank you again so very much! ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥!!!!!!!!!!!!!

PS - And can I say how proud I am every time I see Dusty hard at work for you... :P ;)


turquoisetumult December 13 2008, 17:20:41 UTC
Aww, you're welcome, Aislynn. I'm just happy that you like it!

I ♥ my little Dusty! He's adorable! :D

*hugs* ♥


ageless_aislynn December 14 2008, 07:39:43 UTC
Okay, now that I've had the chance to listen to this (a couple of times *coughcough* ;) ), it's even MORE amazing! Awesome, awesome, AWESOME job with the song choices. I can see how each of them relates to Wes and forms little snapshots of him that combine to make one big picture! (That was so much less confusingly phrased in my head, btw... ;) )

Anyway, you hit several songs that I've always loved, "Stay with me" (which is seriously one of my all time favorite songs EVER!), "Otherside" (which I've wanted forever but have never gotten until now \o/ :D ) and "Falling away with you" (Muse = awesome any day of the week ;) ). And you also got a ton of songs from bands/artists I've always loved but whom I hadn't heard these particular songs before (Semisonic, Three Days Grace, Moby, Offspring and Sigur Ros). Which covers pretty much everything, I think, lol! The point being, I really enjoyed every single song on their own merits but even more so as character studies of Wes. So this is just something amazing and fantastic all the way ( ... )


turquoisetumult December 14 2008, 17:51:30 UTC
Aw, yay! I'm so happy the songs are working out for you!

I can see how each of them relates to Wes and forms little snapshots of him that combine to make one big picture! (That was so much less confusingly phrased in my head, btw... ;) )Nah, it makes perfect sense! :D ( ... )


crystalsc December 13 2008, 06:24:31 UTC
This is beautiful! Artwork and all! I'm definately grabbing. :)
It breaks my heart just to look at the pictures again. *sob* (are you reading the season 6 Angel comics? I can't remember. It's neat to see what's happening to Wes in the story)

I've got my Aunt watching Buffy finally (the one I got hooked on Supernatural) and I told her I can't wait for her to get to season 3 so she can meet Wesley and watch him through the end of Angel because he has the largest morph of any character. :D


turquoisetumult December 13 2008, 17:24:29 UTC
Yay! Glad to hear you say you like the artwork! The pics are definitely very heartbreaking to look (especially the death scenes of both Wes and Fred. *sniff*)

I know! Wesley was an incredible character! I couldn't stand him on Btvs (not even for the laughs), but they did amazing stuff with him on Angel. I hope your aunt appreciates his fabulous development.

No, I can never get my hands on any of the comics. What's going on? I know there's some weird stuff with the Buffy comics (she starts an affair with a woman???), and I've heard Angel gets shanshued, but I didn't even know Wes was back from the dead! :D

Thanks for the comment, Crystal. I saw on SVS that you only know the Red Hot Chili Peppers (which is surprising! lol), so I hope you enjoy the rest!!!


ladymanson December 14 2008, 21:14:14 UTC
The graphics on here are BEAUTIFUL! I love the music too, especially the Offspring song. It's a great song for his loss of Fred.


turquoisetumult December 15 2008, 00:13:44 UTC
Aw, thank you, Tracy! I'm glad you like the song selection. And I've always loved Gone Away so I had to include it. ;)


ladymanson December 15 2008, 00:15:45 UTC
I actually used it as a prologue in a story of mine. Have you ever heard the backstory to the song? SO SAD...


turquoisetumult December 15 2008, 00:19:43 UTC
No, I haven't. I'm guessing somebody involved in the band's life died?? :(


married_n_mich December 15 2008, 17:53:45 UTC
Nicely done! There's not enough Wesley out there IMO.


turquoisetumult December 15 2008, 18:35:47 UTC
No, there's not! *happy sigh* What a character!

Thanks, Laura. Glad you like. Feel free to snag the songs or artwork. :)


married_n_mich December 15 2008, 18:45:50 UTC
You're too good to me *g*


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