Feb 27, 2012 20:21

Ok, so brainstorming seems to work so well for the kids I work with, so I figured I ought to give it a try too.

For all Supernatural watchers (or past watchers, I ain't picky):

Please listen to the following piece of a song and tell me what you think about. What characters are you envisioning? Any particular moments/scenes? At any particular lyric? ( Read more... )

self-pimpage, help!, tv shows, flist, vidding issues

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Comments 8

ash48 February 28 2012, 04:41:23 UTC

I'm not sure if I'm "allowed" to brainstorm with you as I'm also taking part in this...

I know what I'd do... but... oooh, not sure what to do in this situation.

If you don't get any other ideas let me know and we can throw around some ideas together ;DDD


turquoisetumult February 29 2012, 01:51:37 UTC
I appreciate the offer!

I have, however, jotted down a few ideas. I think it might be crap (kind of unoriginal and all), but I'm really only one part in a multifandom vid so I shouldn't be weighing so much on it. I'm sure the vid will rock regardless of my 42 seconds of blah. :)


ash48 February 29 2012, 04:21:40 UTC
I am sure it will be awesome! :D


tiggeratl1 February 28 2012, 05:51:09 UTC
Hey Maria!

Since I'm not participating so I'll try to inspire ya. I've never heard this song before so just going on this piece my first thoughts are maybe a montage of important people/fallen hunters in the boys lives and how they ultimately end up standing alone over and over.


crickets February 29 2012, 00:43:47 UTC
Yeah agreed. I thought of Ellen and Jo.


turquoisetumult February 29 2012, 01:49:43 UTC
I appreciate the input, KC, even though you don't watch the show anymore. Thanks!


crickets February 29 2012, 01:53:10 UTC
No problem! :)


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