My 2011 X-Mas Wishlist

Nov 29, 2011 20:16

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01. FIC: Supernatural | Lisa, Dean. Dean finds out about Ben just as Lisa does (i.e., pregnancy.) He's the dad and wackiness ensues (or sappiness or hardships or whatever you want.) (Bonus points if Lisa gets to meet the rest of the Winchesters.)
02. FIC: Psych | A fic that looks into the relationship between Henry and Shawn.
03. FIC: The Fall | Roy ( Read more... )

wishlist, gifts, holidays, flist

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Comments 11

phoenix39 December 1 2011, 09:08:38 UTC
Great way of getting my attention. I was lol'ing for minutes. Gosh, I ♥ Shawn so darn much!

You know what? I started two Shawn/Juliet fluff vids but then I got Linux and the video editing program on my computer is not meant for complex videos with a lot of clips. But the second I get a Windows PC again and I'm able to install my Sony Vegas once again, I will send you those videos.


turquoisetumult December 3 2011, 17:51:42 UTC
Hee! I just remembered that scene and I was all - that is a perfect way to set up my wishlist! :D

Oh my - that would be splendid! I can't wait to see your Psych vids! For such a hilarious and awesome show, the fandom is kind of small. :(


ciaimpala December 22 2011, 22:35:16 UTC
I made you some icons! Happy Holidays!

... )


turquoisetumult December 22 2011, 23:19:18 UTC
OMG!!! Thanks sooo much for these, Becca. They are wonderful! This show is SO DAMN FUNNY AND ADORABLE - you really picked some fantastic moments!

(Eee, I love wee!Shawn and wee!Gus - so cute! :D)


ciaimpala December 23 2011, 03:11:10 UTC
I'm so glad you like them!! You made me such an amazing gift and you're such a good friend, so I really wanted to make you something you would like :)


ciaimpala January 1 2012, 01:08:59 UTC
So a little bird told me its your birthday, so I made you a little gift ;)

... )


turquoisetumult January 1 2012, 19:03:21 UTC
These are adorable! Thanks so much, Becca!


ciaimpala January 2 2012, 01:42:46 UTC
Eeep sorry I accidentally gave you a duplicate! Here's the one you should have gotten:

... )


turquoisetumult January 3 2012, 00:53:50 UTC
I was trying to figure out if there was a coloring difference between the two above. LOL. Thanks for the addition. :)

Also - I really need to rewatch S1. I watched the whole series in one shot during the summer, so the later seasons are the freshest in my mind. Everything else is a total blur (which is a shame because Shawn was so cute with his crazy physical antics; lol).


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