SPN X-mas Vid + My Wishlist (2-in-1 post!)

Dec 15, 2010 20:43

^see title^ May I start off and present you some sappy Christmas video. [This song was too adorable NOT to vid. It was always one of my favorites.]

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vid, supernatural, wishlist, gifts, holidays, flist

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Comments 12

ash48 December 16 2010, 08:06:31 UTC
So cute!!! \o/

Happy Christmas honey! Hope you have an awesome one.



turquoisetumult December 19 2010, 04:16:29 UTC
Thank you, hon! I'm glad you liked it!

Hope you have a wonderful holiday season too! *huggles*


maichan December 16 2010, 08:36:05 UTC
D'aww, lovely vidlet. Maria!


turquoisetumult December 19 2010, 04:16:53 UTC
Thanks, Christel! Glad you liked it! ♥ Happy Holidays!


lovetheguys December 16 2010, 13:27:35 UTC
LOVED the vid!



turquoisetumult December 19 2010, 04:17:18 UTC
Thank you, Robin. Your feedback always means a lot! Happy Holidays!


jemmalynette December 16 2010, 16:27:45 UTC
That was so cute! ♥ Lovely job, Maria!

Not sure what to get you for your wishlist.... I'll have a think :)
Here's mine:
http://jemmalynette.livejournal.com/144367.html :D


turquoisetumult December 19 2010, 04:18:37 UTC
Thanks so much, hon! ♥ Happy you liked! I have a new one; I must be Christmas-obsessed this year!

I will try to get that Bela vid in the works for you soon. (Hopefully, my muse won't die once I actually start it!)


reliand December 16 2010, 19:15:28 UTC
AWWW!!! Holiday videos are just my cup of tea and this is adorable! *smishes you*


turquoisetumult December 19 2010, 04:19:33 UTC
Apparently, they're my cup of tea this year too because I just made another vidlet. I'm ridiculous! lol.

Glad you liked it, hon! Thanks for the kind words. Happy Holidays!

*must remember to check out your SPN Xmas vid!*


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