The Awesome April Challenge!
Website with links to all the stories being posted is right
here About The aim of this challenge is to see if we can post a new popslash story every day in April.
Rules They're very simple. The story has to be at least 100 words, but after that it's up to you. Any pairing. Any situation. Any sparkly boy group. As long as you hit those 100 words, the stories can be as long or short as you like.
At this time no crossovers, ( outside of the sparkly. Chris/Nick for example would be fine ) but if we do decide to roll into May, that may change.
How to take part Behind the cut are the dates in April. Comment to claim a date, then on that day post your story at your own journal, then come to this post and link to the story. By doing this people will come to your journal, and hopefully see how fabulous you are. Maybe leading to new friends and new people reading your old stories. A win/win yes?
There'll be a sticky post linking to this at the top of my journal, meaning people can find the challenge post easily.
Dates can be shared, but as the point of this is to post new fic every day, and popslash doesn't have that many active writers, it'll make more sense to have one claim a day.
I'll post in my own journal and do a roundup at
shinyandnew linking to the new stories, but you could also subscribe to the post, and LJ will tell you about any new comments.
If you do claim a date and for some reason can't deliver, that's fine. I understand that things happen. But please, let me know as soon as possible. That way I can round up a pinch hitter or post something myself.
Any questions or comments, ask away. And please, pimp. We have 30 days to fill, and while people can take as many as they like, the more writers the better.
That's it. Claim, have fun with this, and hopefully by the end of April we'll have at least 1000 words of new popslash \o/
1 -
randomling2 -
msktrnanny3 -
imsinkingfast4 -
nopseud5 -
turps336 -
kaethe7 -
puszysty8 -
justhitstatic9 -
joshysleo10 -
joshysleo11 -
bellamyrose12 -
poetrychik13 -
boomingvoice14 -
ephemera_pop vaudevilles15 -
stellamira16 -
pensnest17 -
adelate18 -
fadedsouls 19 -
zelda_zee20 -
justhitstatic21 -
_ducks22 -
kira_j23 -
randomling24 -
stubbleglitter25 -
withdiamonds lesasoja26 -
kaethe27 -
phaballa28 -
bellamyrose raynedanser29 -
bubbleforest 30 -