Control (Thirteen)

Nov 23, 2013 11:36

Title: Control
Author: Katie
Pairings: Jack Barakat/ OC, Alex Gaskarth/OC
Rating: NC-17
Summary: Recovering from an eating disorder is not easy. Recovering from one while on tour is even harder.
Disclaimer: I don't own Jack, Alex, or anyone in the lovely band and crew that make up All Time Low. They all own each other. Sunny and I do own all members of Hyperinflated Illuminations. Thank you.
Warnings: Obsessive compulsive disorder, eating disorders, alcoholism

It was a hazy cloud of upset stomach, headache and body aches when Alex woke up the next morning. He was in a hotel, that much was clear by the slightly uncomfortable bed and the symmetry of the desks in accordance with the television, and the small space. He moved to sit up and look around him when he felt arms secured around his waist. Looking to his side, everything came rushing back. Vina on the dance floor with Landon, Landon's hands up Vina's shirt, Vina and Landon leaving the club together, and the brunette revenge tool.

The sex was sex. He wasn't going to say it wasn't hot, becaue it was. He had done everything in his power to ensure that Vina knew what the fuck she was missing out on. She did not get to just ignore him. He wasn't going to chase after her anymore. She would have to chase after him.

He gently pushed the brunette's hands from his waist and stood up. The room spun a bit. Maybe he was still a little drunk. And a lot hungover. He could feel the bile in his throat, the dirty grit in his hair from the bar and sweating with a strange girl all over the hotel room. This all accompanied the pounding in his head. The best cure for a hangover? Take a drink. Since Vina wasn't likely to make him that hangover concoction she had made for Adele months ago, he had to take a drink. She'd love to see him suffer.

He needed another drink.

He dragged himself out of bed, grabbing some scotch from that stupidly expensive mini fridge and drank right out of the tiny bottle, heading towards the bathroom to get the grime out of his hair and wincing as he swallowed the alcohol down. It didn't even affect him, he just made the face out of habit.

“Where are you going?” A croaky, groggy voice called out to him from the bed.

“Shower,” was his grumbled response. And he shut the door before she had time to get out of the bed. He hoped she wasn't going to be clingy. He hoped she'd get the hint and leave for her walk of shame once his shower started. He didn't need this bullshit. His head hurt, his pride hurt a little bit and his dick brain was kicking him in the ass for being inside another girl. He didn't even want to think about that one. If Vina didn't want him, he didn't want her. But, oh, he wanted her. He wanted her badly. All of her passion she had for everything she did, all of her body, all of her mind, all of her soul. He wanted all of her. Even if she was dealing with eating issues. He could deal with them with her. But right now he wanted all of her to be jealous as hell. She could have had his body. She had seen him at the bar. It could have happened.

Shaking his head, he turned on the shower, stripped down and jumped in. Hopefully brunette would be gone when he got out.


Vina wasn't sure she would constitute that morning as a good morning. She was tired. Bone-dead tired and there was banging on her door. She just wanted to sleep. And her stomach was growling like she placed a bowl of food in front of it and told it “no”.

“VINA!” Landon was screaming outside her door. She was going to punch him in the face. Maybe. If she was sure her hand wouldn't break. But in all liklihood, it probably would, and she had to use her hands for her job.

“What?!” she snapped, throwing the door open.

“Well, aren't you grumpy today?” He meandered into the room. “Looking sexy in your booty shorts. Is that Wyatt's dress shirt?” he pointed to her plaid pyjama shirt that fell to her knees.

“Yeah, he wore it for halloween last year. Scarecrow in a suit,” she mumbled, running her hands over her face and slowly making her way over to the bed. She could sleep some more with him in the room.

“Get up, team breakfast! We have to eat with your boyfriend and his boyfriend because he's worried about you,” Landon said.

“My boyfriend?” Vina yawned out, climbing under the covers.

“Wyatt? Did you forget he existed?” Landon giggled, jumping on the bed and pulling the sheets from her before happily skipping to her suitcase and tossing a surprisingly nice outfit at her. Silky white tank, turquoise short shorts, matching black lace panties and bra. That boy was too happy in the morning.

“Oh no, I know Wyatt exists. I heard his sexual moans and gruns and cries all night. I know he exists,” Vina grumbled.

“Wait...what?” Landon stopped his smelling of Vina's multiple body lotions and turned to her.

“Huh?” Vina asked, slipping into the bathroom to change. Landon wasn't going to leave any time soon and she knew she had to eat. Wyatt was keeping a close eye on her now. She didn't have a choice. If it weren't for his sexcapades the night before, he would probably have been in her room, insuring that she wasn't throwing up what he had managed to shove in her mouth throughout the day. Passing out was the straw that broke the camel's back. She didn't need that shit in her life. She could be skinny and healthy. Working out just enough to stay thin and not gain absurd amounts of muscle, and eating enough to sustain her was what she was going to do. Alex's comments about her weight were not going to affect her. He did not rule her life. Especially after blatantly sleeping with Slut the night before.

“Sexual monas?” Landon prodded, bringing Vina back to their conversation. She was tired. She needed some tea. Green tea. That would be nice.


“Oh, uhh, yeah. Wyatt and Jack definitely got it on last night. It was so uncomfortable from my point of view. Alex and Slut on one side of the wall, Wyatt and Jack on the other...” she trailed off, looking at Landon who stood in the open door, gaping at her in her bra and panties. “LANDON! STOP CHECKING ME OUT!” she screached at him.

“Wyatt's not a virgin anymore?! Who was on top? Was it Jack? It'd HAVE to be Jack! Wyatt would never...oh my god! THIS IS SO EXCITING!” Landon hopped away, laughing giddily like he was a school girl. High pitched squeals and all.

“I HAVE TO CALL ADELE!” he insisted, sticking his head in the door again as she slipped the shorts onto her small frame and added a belt.

“Should I go down in just a bra?” Vina asked.

“No, slutbag. I'm going to call Adele and you're going to tell us all the details!” He pulled his phone from his pocket. “But first I'm going to tweet a picture of you mostly naked!” He snapped a picture and started typing.

“LANDON! YOU CAN'T DO THAT! I could sue you for-you already did it, didn't you?” she mumbled and he nodded.

“Got an excellent picture of your back and bra clip!” He grinned, putting his phone to his ear and they both waited patiently as it rang. He slowly glied over to her, wrapping his arm around her waist as she finally put the shirt on he had picked out. He kissed her neck, softly, then “ADELE!” he screamed excitedly. “WYATT GOT IT ON WITH JACK! VINA HAS THE DEETS GET HERE QUICK!” He basically smashed his phone trying to press to end the call, then turned back to Vina.

“You're sexy, Vina. I would never put that picture on Twitter. Keeping it for my own private collection.” He winked at her, leaning out of the bathroom and opening the door just as Adele got there.

She was out of breath, looking between the duo. “WELL!?” she screamed at Vina.

“All I know is that they did it. Jack was on top?” she looked to Landon for help.

“Of course he was,” Adele chuckled. “Wyatt penetrating Jack? Unlikely. I wonder how he got him to do it. Jesus. Wyatt thinks sperm is germs...” the trio left the room, heading towards the elevator.

“Maybe it involved a warm bucket of soap and water and a cloth beside the bed?” Landon speculated.

“Why don't we just be nosy shits and ask him after breakfast, on the bus?” Adele asked.

“Top knotch idea, m'lady!” Landon wrapped his arm around Adele's shoulders, his other around Vina's waist, and tugged them into the breakfast area once the elevator opened for them. Everyone was already there. Wyatt and Jack were sitting close in the middle, talking amongst themselves, Dubs and Matt were speculating over something at the head of the table, Rian, Zack and Jonathan Cook looked like they were debating an arm wrestling competition, and the rest of Forever The Sickest Kids and Good Charlotte were scattered amongst themselves. There were approximately five seats left.

Adele grabbed Landon and tugged him to the two seats beside each other, and Vina moved to sit at the area of three, wondering who was missing. She didn't have to wonder long as Alex walked in, rather awkwardly, with a brunette in bar clothes attached to him.

Vina's eyes grew as the brunette tugged him to the place beside her. Oh no. She was not sitting beside Slut. Why was she at their tour breakfast anyways? What the fuck was wrong with Alex?

“Uhh, so when are you heading home?” he cautiously asked as they sat down. Vina blinked at the girl as she climbed into Alex lap. He turned to look at her.

“I dunno, why don't we go back up to your hotel room?” The girl winked at him.

“Can I get you a drink?” A waitress was standing behind them.

Vina turned, giving the waitress a confused look, then looked back at the couple. “Could I get some apple juice, please?” she finally sputtered out.

“Sure!” the waitress smiled sympathetically as Alex pushed the girl from his lap.

“Water! I'll have water,” he said. “Jesus Christ, stay in your seat!” he told the girl as she moved closer to him. She simply giggled.

“I'll get some lemonade with a lime on the side, and some cranberry juice in there, too,” she smiled at the waitress briefly, looking back at Alex and sticking her chest out. But her chest sticking out caused her butt to move back in the chair. Except, “back” to the brunette was sideways and towards Vina who shot out of her chair.

“Dude, your ass is too close to me!” Vina glared at the girl.

“What's your problem?” the girl, turned to Vina, twirling her finger around her hair. “You could say that nicely.”

“Yeah, and you could probably shower and check yourself for STDs you ignorant slut. This is a fucking band breakfast meeting. What are you even doing here?” Vina growled out.

Across the table, Landon clapped. “I love sassy Vina! Bring on the food!” Adele slapped his arm to quiet him.

“Excuse me, bitch!” Brunette stood up, moving closer to get into Vina's face. Vina took a step back.

“Was there an end to that sentence? No one wants you here. Can you just leave and go home already?” Vina ran a hand through her hair, hoping for the entire situation to end quickly.

“Alex wants me here!” the brunette insisted.

“Darling, he only wanted you for the sex. If you're lucky, maybe he'll hit you up next time he's in the state,” she seethed in the girl's face.

Brunette looked back at Alex, as if expecting him to defend her. When he didn't say anything, she let out a frustrated scream and stormed from the building.

Vina took a deep breath, then sat back down. She could use some food about then. That took up too much energy that she didn't have.

Wyatt was passing her a banana when Alex finally spoke up.

“Thank GOD.”

Vina whipped her head around to glare at him. “That wasn't for you. I wanted to stomach my breakfast without seeing a slut basically undress at my table, thank you very much.”

Ripping the banana open, she took a harsh bite out of it, watching as Alex cringed at her actions. That should teach him for bringing sluts to breakfast.

pairing: alex gaskarth/oc, chaptered: control, rating: nc-17, pairing: jack barakat/ oc

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