Control (Eight)

Jan 26, 2013 11:55

Title: Control
Author: Katie
Pairings: Jack Barakat/ OC, Alex Gaskarth/OC
Rating: NC-17
Summary: Recovering from an eating disorder is not easy. Recovering from one while on tour is even harder.
Disclaimer: I don't own Jack, Alex, or anyone in the lovely band and crew that make up All Time Low. They all own each other. Sunny and I do own all members of Hyperinflated Illuminations. Thank you.
Warnings: Obsessive compulsive disorder, eating disorders, alcoholism

“Ow, don’t sit on me, fat ass,” Alex mumbled, opening his eyes and seeing Jack sitting on the edge of the couch.

“Then scoot over. I wanna cuddle,” Jack responded, wiggling his butt back and forcing Alex closer to the crevice of the couch.

“Go cuddle your boyfriend. I’m trying to take a nap,” Alex groaned, shoving at his back. Jack ignored him, laying down anyway and putting an arm over Alex’s chest.

“My boyfriend is busy thoroughly scrubbing and disinfecting the couch you and Vina contaminated with your sexcapades, so I can’t cuddle him. And, well, you’re the next best thing,” Jack told him and Alex scoffed.

“Oh thanks, Jack. You make me feel so good about myself,” Alex answered, rolling his eyes.

“Stop manstruating and and spoon me,” Jack whined, wiggling into Alex’s side. “Unless you wanna switch places and I’ll be the big spoon.”

“No. I’m the fucking big spoon,” Alex answered, rolling onto his side and wrapping an arm around Jack’s waist. He nuzzled his face into the back of the younger’s hair, closing his tired eyes. The past couple shows had really kicked his ass, and he hadn’t had a proper night’s rest in forever.

“I’m horny,” Jack stated, and Alex pulled his head back, raising an eyebrow.

“That is so not something a guy wants to hear while he’s spooning his gay best friend,” he said, hearing Jack laugh.

“Chill out. I’m in a committed relationship,” Jack said.

“And that just makes it even worse!” Alex answered and Jack laughed.

“Shut up,” he answered, laughing again before whining. “But seriously! I am! I haven’t had sex in like four months.”

“Why?” Alex questioned wrinkling his nose. “Besides the obvious.”

“I don’t know!” he answered. “Probably ‘cause I’m not the hook-up kinda guy. You know that.”

“True,” Alex answered. “But fuck. How can you go that long? It’s been like a week and I’m already dying.”

“That’s because you’re a slut,” Jack teased, and then whined. “I don’t know! My balls are so blue they belong in that fucking Eiffel 65 song.”

“Ew, I’m sorry about your balls then,” Alex said, laughing and hiding his face in Jack’s shoulder.

“Don’t laugh at me,” Jack said, sighing dramatically.

“I’m sorry,” Alex apologized again, holding in a snicker. “I’m shocked you haven’t, like, found a way too smooth talk yourself into Wyatt’s pants yet.”

“It’s complicated, y’know,” Jack answered. “If it had been anyone else, or any of my past relationships, I probably would have. But we’ve only been dating for a month. And he’s a virgin. And we’ve only been dating a month. I don’t want to push it and make him think that sex is all I want from him, because that’s totally not true. I love him, and I’m definitely gonna wait until he’s ready ‘cause I know he’s super freaked out about sex. But goddamnit, my penis feels like it’s gonna fall off from lack of use.”

“You’re too cute. It makes me wanna puke all over you,” Alex said, and Jack groaned.

“Shut up and be supportive!” he scolded and Alex cracked a grin.

“I am supportive. I’m glad you found someone you feel this strongly about,” he told his friend.

“You’re an asshole,” Jack said with a yawn.

“Go to sleep,” Alex answered, grabbing the pillow and shoving it in his face.


“Stop eating Reese’s Cups, you fat ass,” Jack laughed, watching his best friend unwrap another orange wrapper. Alex frowned, balling it up and throwing it at Jack’s face.

“Jack, that’s not nice,” Wyatt said, frowning at his boyfriend. “You shouldn’t call your best friend fat. Or an ass.”

“Have you seen how many he’s eaten?!” Jack exclaimed, pointing to the wrappers laying by the older male’s tattered up sneaker. “You deserve to be called a fat ass after eating twenty something Reese’s cups.”

“So you’d call me a fat ass if I ate that many?” Wyatt asked and Jack frowned. Alex smirked at him, amused to see what his answer would be.

“No,” he mumbled and Wyatt raised an eyebrow.

“Interesting,” he muttered under his breath and Alex laughed.

“Whipped,” he said, smirking in Jack’s direction once again.

“Shut up,” Jack answered, ducking his eyes to look down at his knees.

“Who’s being whipped?” Adele questioned, walking into the back lounge of Hyperinflated Illumination’s bus.

“Jack,” Alex answered and she raised an eyebrow.

“Figuratively? Or does Wyatt have a hidden kinky side that we’ve never seen before?” the drummer asked, making her friend’s cheeks flare up as red as a tomato.

“Adele!” he hissed and she smiled teasingly.

“I’m kidding! We all know you wouldn’t even know what to do with whips and chains given the opportunity,” Adele answered, watching him stare at her, horrified. “Although, if you stay with Jack long enough, I’m sure he’ll... show you the ropes, per say?”

Alex laughed and Jack let out a chuckle, not looking up at his terrified boyfriend.

“If you’re into that sort of thing, I mean,” Adele said, giggling as she sipped her tea. Wyatt continued to look at her horrified as Alex laughed. “What do you think, Jack? You into a little S&M?”

“Um,” he answered, awkwardly glancing at Wyatt. “Let’s not talk about that right now.”

Wyatt turned his head to look at Jack with big, innocent, green eyes.

“Please don’t tell me you want to whip me when we have sex,” Wyatt hissed, and Jack could see the panic in his eyes. “Whips are definitely not part of the plan. You never said anything about whips!”

“No!” Jack insisted, putting his hands up defensively. “Babe, no! I’d never whip you. Unless you wanted me to, but you’d have to ask first.”

“I don’t want to be whipped!” Wyatt squeaked, and Jack nodded.

“Okay! Calm down! I’m not going to whip you!” Jack said, rubbing his hand over the boy’s thigh soothingly.

“I thought Jack was the one getting whipped anyway,” Alex said and Wyatt’s eyes widened even more, if possible.

“Shut up!” Jack glared at him, wrapping his arms around Wyatt protectively. “I’m not even the one who’s a freak here, and you know it.”

Alex smirked and Adele raised an eyebrow.

“What is that supposed to mean?” she questioned and Alex chuckled.

“Alexander over here’s the kinky one, not me,” Jack answered.

“Oh really?” Adele asked, looking at him curiously. “How kinky? Like bondage kinky?”

“Like tie me up, call me Daddy, and spank me until my ass is raw kinky,” Jack answered, rolling his eyes as Alex laughed. “Oh, and let’s not forget the wax.”

“How do you know this?!” Wyatt demanded, staring at him with an even more traumatized expression than before.

“When you’re best friends with someone for about ten years, you find shit out,” Jack answered and Alex nodded smugly. “Alex also likes to tell me every single detail of his sex life. In detail. In a lot of detail. It’s almost like I’m there.” Jack paused, looking at Wyatt’s face. “But I’m not! Definitely not!”

Alex laughed loudly, and Wyatt turned to look at him.

“I don’t wanna be your best friend,” he said hurriedly and Alex pouted.

“Aw, no fun,” he said, and Wyatt shook his head again.

“Damn, I do!” Adele answered, sitting herself down in Alex’s lap. “So, tell me about this wax thing. I’m interested.”

Alex raised an eyebrow, opening his mouth to speak but Wyatt cut him off.

“No!” he cried out and Jack chuckled, nuzzling his nose into his boyfriend’s hair.

“Okay, subject change! I’m wearing green underwear!” Jack called out and Wyatt frowned.

“That is not a good subject change,” he said, and Jack squeezed him tighter.

“What color underwear are you wearing, Alex?” Jack asked and Alex shrugged.

“I’m not wearing underwear,” he replied and Wyatt frowned.

“Can we please find a subject that doesn’t end in me picturing Alex naked? It’s weird,” Wyatt whined and everyone laughed.

“Okay. I’d rather you be picturing me naked anyway,” Jack said, winking and Wyatt flushed pink.

“Stop it,” he mumbled and Jack kissed his forehead.

“Fine,” Jack mumbled before stealing a kiss from the blushing boy, “but that means you have to stop being cute.”

Wyatt’s face burned as he looked down, hearing Adele let out a loud “awh” in their direction. He thought for a moment before his eyes landed on the guitar in the corner.

“Oh, Alex. I heard you’ve been working on new songs,” Wyatt said, smiling to himself for coming up with the distraction.

“A few,” the older singer answered, nodding.

“How are they coming along?”

“Great, actually,” he said, smiling, picking up his drink and taking a sip. “I’m really proud of them. I can already tell this record is going to be amazing.”

“Anything we can hear? Or is it all top secret?” Adele asked and Alex looked thoughtful for a moment.

“Maybe if I can think of one,” he said, laughing to himself. “Hold on.”

“There’s a guitar right there, if you want,” Wyatt said, motioning to the corner behind him. Alex nodded, moving over to grab it. He ran his fingers over the strings for a moment, strumming as he continued to think.

“Yeah, okay,” he answered, positioning his fingers as he got ready to sing.

Vina opened the door to the bus, walking to the fridge and pulling out a bottle of water. She chugged half of it down in one gulp, hoping to pacify her growling stomach. She rinsed her apple off in the sink, hearing a guitar strumming in the back lounge. She stepped closer to the door as she took a bite of the apple, listening curiously to see if it was just Landon playing, or Landon and Wyatt practicing.

“When will the princess figure it out? She ain’t worth saving,” she heard a voice begin and she furrowed her eyebrows. That wasn’t Wyatt’s voice, and it definitely wasn’t Landon’s. The boy couldn’t hold a tune to save his life. So who was that singing? “Heavy the head that bears the crown of my mistaken apathy for sympathy, I was never good enough to be anything but a remedy to all of your constant pressing needs. And I never learned, so

“I painted a picture of the things I wanted most to color in the darker side of all my brightest hopes. But there was a monster standing where you should be, so I’ll paint you wings, and I’ll set you free.”

Vina moved into the bunk area, drawn by the voice. She still couldn’t place who it belonged to, and she wasn’t sure she had ever heard him sing before. All she knew was that the voice was amazing; very raw and powerful.

“I was a pawn in all of your plans, you kept me busy. Locked behind your chambers door when you felt frisky. Until you got sick of me. I was never good enough to be anything but a remedy to all your constant pressing needs.

“I painted a picture of the things I wanted most to color in the darker side of all my brightest hopes. But there was a monster standing where you should be, so I’ll paint you wings, and I’ll see you free.”

She leaned against the doorway of the back lounge, unsure of whether or not she should go in. She was curious, but she didn’t want to interrupt whoever was singing or be rude by just barging inside.

“When will the princess figure it out? She ain’t worth saving. And when will the world get over all her misbehaving? Will we ever learn?”

“Hey, Vina,” Landon said, brushing past her and making her jump. He moved into the back lounge and she heard the music grow louder for a second before the door shut again. She frowned, deciding that there was no use in standing outside anymore.

“I painted a picture of the things I wanted most to color in the darker side of all my brightest hopes. But there was a monster standing where you should be, so I’ll paint you wings, and I’ll you free.”

Her eyes widened as her eyes fell on the guitar in Alex’s hands. She looked around for a moment, making sure no one had noticed her before she backed into the bunks again.

She couldn’t believe it! That beautiful, perfect voice belonged to him?! Alex Gaskarth? The man she hated most. It couldn’t be possible!

Vina shook her head. She honestly couldn’t believe. She didn’t know which was worse. The fact that the beautiful voice belonged to none-other-than Alex Gaskarth, or the fact that it had affected her so much.

She shook her head again, throwing the apple into the trash before grabbing her water bottle. She decided to go for a run. She needed to clear her head of the mess.

♠ ♠ ♠Song: Paint You Wings by All Time Low

pairing: alex gaskarth/oc, chaptered: control, rating: nc-17, pairing: jack barakat/ oc

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