Control (Four)

Dec 02, 2012 21:57

Title: Control
Author: Katie
Pairings: Jack Barakat/ OC, Alex Gaskarth/OC
Rating: NC-17
Summary: Recovering from an eating disorder is not easy. Recovering from one while on tour is even harder.
Disclaimer: I don't own Jack, Alex, or anyone in the lovely band and crew that make up All Time Low. They all own each other. Sunny and I do own all members of Hyperinflated Illuminations. Thank you.
Warnings: Obsessive compulsive disorder, eating disorders, alcoholism

Alex sat back on the couch in the front lounge, cradling the beer he was holding between his arm and his chest as he got comfortable. He unlocked his iPhone, opened up his Twitter and started scrolling through it. Nothing too eventful seemed to be happening with his friends but then he looked at the trending topics. Raising an eyebrow, he selected the one, unable to hold in his laughter at it.

“What’s so funny?” Matt asked, looking up at him from where he was relaxing for his short break that afternoon.

“Apparently Jalex is dead,” Alex replied, glancing up at the tour manager. “And the fans found out about Wyatt and Jack.”

“Really?” he asked and Alex nodded.

“#jalexisdead is trending,” he replied, taking a sip of his beer and watching the older male type on his laptop. He smirked as he looked at the screen, shaking his head.

“Damn,” he responded. “I wonder if Jack and Wyatt now they’ve now become... Jayatt.”

“Let’s find out!” Alex chuckled, standing up. He set his beer down on the counter, going back into the bunks and putting on his best faux-angry face.

“Jack Barakat, you bastard!” he yelled, seeing the younger male look up at him curiously from where he was laying with his boyfriend. Alex had also noticed Wyatt jump, obviously startled by Alex’s sudden appearance and outburst. “How could you do this to me?!”

“I don’t know. Depends on what I did?” Jack questioned, leaning his head out of the bunk

“You cheated on me, you fucker!” Alex yelled dramatically, seeing Wyatt’s eyes widen as the boy looked between them confused. “After all I did for you! I gave you everything! You’re an asshole, Jack!”

“What the fuck are you talking about?” he questioned eyebrows furrowing as he laughed. “Are you drunk? Do you remember who you are?”

Alex broke character, unable to continue to keep a straight face. He tossed his phone to Jack, who picked it up and scrolled through.

“What the fuck is this?” he questioned, reading through the posts. “Jalex is dead?”

“Yes! And you killed us!” Alex exclaimed dramatically, sitting on the edge of the bunk. Jack rolled his eyes, continuing to scroll through the posts.

“How did I kill us?” he asked, feeling Wyatt grow nervous next to him as he began to pick at the sheets. He put his hand on his knee, stroking it with his thumb soothingly.

“By creating Jayatt!” Alex said with a giggle.

“What? Jayatt?” Jack asked and Alex nodded. “Goddamnit, these kids will be the death of me.”

“What are you guys talking about?” Wyatt asked quietly, and Jack glanced over at his curious, yet nervous face.

“Our psychotic fans decided that Alex and I are gay for each other,” Jack responded, hoping his nonchalance about the topic would prove to Wyatt it wasn’t a big deal. “And they put our names together to make us ‘Jalex’.”

“And apparently, you and Jack are now ‘Jayatt’,” Alex said, laughing and making Jack hit him.

“How did they even find out about us? I didn’t tell any fans we’re dating,” Jack said, looking at the phone confused before turning to Wyatt. “Did you?”

“I-I don’t ever talk to fans,” he said, looking down and blushing.

“Did you tell people?” Jack asked Alex and he shook his head.

“That’s not my business to tell,” Alex answered. “You know I wouldn’t do that.”

Wyatt looked down at the sheets, smoothing them out with his fingers. Was Jack mad that the fans had found out about them? Was he embarrassed to be dating Wyatt?

Jack looked over at his boyfriend, seeing the look on his face and frowning.

“What’s wrong, babe?” he questioned.

“A-are you mad that they found out we’re dating?” Wyatt asked quietly. “I mean, I know you’re probably embarrassed by me. I know I’m not exactly normal.”

Jack’s heart ached and he looked over at Alex, nudging his best friend with his foot to get his attention.

“Can you give us a minute?” he asked and Alex nodded, standing up to leave the bunks.

“Wyatt, I’m not embarrassed by you,” Jack said gently, grabbing his hand and stroking his knuckles with his fingers. “Quite the opposite. I love you, and I’m proud of all the progress you’ve made, and I’m proud to call you my boyfriend. I don’t care if the fans know about us, I’m just curious how they found out. I would have liked to have been the person to tell them, you know? And, to be honest, I wasn’t sure if you wanted the fans to know. It’s kind of personal, and I wasn’t sure if you’d be comfortable sharing it with the whole world.”

“I’m okay with it as long as you are,” Wyatt told him and Jack smiled, leaning in to give him a kiss.

“Good,” he smiled. “Now I just need to figure out who spilled the beans so I can beat them up.”

Wyatt’s eyes widened and Jack chuckled.

“M’kidding. But I really do want to know who told,” Jack said. “I’m actually a little upset about it.”

“I’m sorry,” Wyatt said and Jack smiled.

“You don’t need to be sorry,” he answered.

Jack looked down at his hand, realizing he still had Alex’s phone.

“Alex! You better come get your phone before I send pictures of my dick to your mom!” he yelled at him.

“Do it!” Alex yelled. “My dick was all up in your mom’s face last night!”

“I’ll send them to your grandma too!”

“Leave my Nan outta this,” Alex said, appearing in the doorway, glaring and grabbing his iPhone away from the younger boy. He tossed his phone into his bunk, before turning around and walking back out of the bunks.

He walked over to the sink, turning it on to fill up his cup of Ramen noodles. He turned the sink on too high, making it splash all over the front of his jeans.

“Alex, stop making a mess,” Matt told him and he pouted.

“I’m trying not to,” he answered, unbuttoning the his now soaking wet jeans. “This sink is fucking possesed. Instead of pea soup it vomits water.”

He stripped his shirt off next, using it to mop up the water that had sprayed on the counter.

He finally got his cup filled, putting it in the microwave and starting it. He carried his wet clothes back to the bunk, laying them down by his bag.

“When did you get naked?” Jack questioned him, glancing over at Wyatt and seeing his cheeks grow bright pink.

“After the sink decided to spray me all over,” he answered, shrugging and walking back out into the kitchen.

“Are you gonna put pants back on?” Jack asked, giggling and covering Wyatt’s eyes.

“Nope! I feel like being naked,” Alex answered, making Jack chuckle.

“Just ignore my singer’s hairy, smelly butt,” Jack whispered to him, making his face redden even more.

“Why the fuck are you naked now?” Flyzik asked him as he sat on the couch with his Ramen. Alex huffed, stirring the noodles before blowing on them.

“Why is everyone on this bus suddenly against nudity? I don’t complain when you guys walk around naked! Why are you trying to censor me?” he questioned, putting his feet up and getting comfortable.

“Whatever. I just don’t wanna hear the guys bitch when you’re naked ass has been all over the furniture,” Matt said, rolling his eyes and Alex chuckled.

“Then don’t tell them,” Alex answered, winking at him. “No one has to know.”


“Are you alright, Vina?” Joel asked, pausing next to her as she stopped running to take a breath. She panted, her exhaustion making her feel dizzy.

“Y-yeah,” she answered, gulping down breaths of air. “I just need to catch my breath.”

“Do you want me to get you some water?” he asked, looking down at the younger girl with concern. “We can skip the run for today if you aren't feeling well.”

“No! I’m fine,” she exclaimed, forcing herself to stand up. “I’ll just take one of those waters.”

“Alright,” Joel answered, unsure if he should leave her alone. He opened the door to his bus, going inside and grabbing a bottle out of the fridge. He opened the water bottle for her as he walked out, handing it to the small girl. He watched her chug it down, wiping away the water that dribbled down her chin. “I think you should take it easy today. You look exhausted.”

“I’ll be fine,” she told him, putting on a smile.

She wanted to do this. She needed her run to burn away the calories from the food Wyatt had forced her to eat. And she wanted to spend time with Joel. Over the course of the tour she had developed a bit of a crush on the older singer. He was sweet and caring and he listened to her.

“Okay, just chill out,” Joel told her. “I don’t want you passing out on me.”

Vina jogged in place for a minute, feeling her body ache from weakness and exhaustion. She needed more sleep. After the run she would take another nap.

pairing: alex gaskarth/oc, chaptered: control, rating: nc-17, pairing: jack barakat/ oc

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