You Can Take My Life, But You Can't Take It With You (Epilogue)

Jul 02, 2012 17:38

Title: You Can Take My Life, But You Can't Take It With You
Rating: NC-17 Overall.
Pairing: Eventual Jalex.
Point of View: Third.
Summary: "You think this is fucking funny?! You're sick, Alex! I'm not some animal! I'm not something you can just keep for your entertainment! Come the fuck down here!"
Disclaimer: I do not own them. Story title comes from Poison by All Time Low.
Warning: Violence.


“Alex, open the fucking door!” Matt yelled loudly, banging on the door. He grabbed the handle, twisting it back and forth and pressing himself against it. “Alex! Jack!”

“Matt! What the fuck is going on?” Rian yelled, fear running through him.

“I don’t know! I can’t get the door open!” Matt yelled, shoving himself against the door. The wood didn’t budge, and he groaned, moving back and forcing himself against it again.

“Was that a gun shot? What the fuck?” Rian yelled, pushing the older male out of the way and hitting the door with his shoulder. He felt pain shoot through it, and he stepped back, watching Matt run and hit it again. He knew the man was running on adrenaline, not feeling the pain in his arm.

“Open the goddamn door!” Matt screamed, banging into it again.

“Alex!” Rian screamed, banging on it. “Alex, let us in!”

There was another noise, the sound of gunpowder exploding and Matt stilled. Rian’s jaw dropped, shaking his head.

“No! No!” Rian screamed, shoving Matt out of the way and pushing against the door. He twisted the handle, pressing against it. “No!”

Matt shoved against it with as much force as Rian had, hearing the wood beginning to grow weak as it groaned. The frantic men forced and shoved against the wood, kicking and banging on it.

The wood finally gave, splintering and crashing to the ground.

Matt stepped inside, falling to his knees at the scene in front of him.

“No!” Rian screamed again, a choked sob escaping his throat. “Jack! Alex! No!”

Matt grabbed him before he could run to them, holding him against his chest.

“You can’t touch them!” Matt told the hysterical man, holding him tightly in place.

“No!” Rian screamed again, tears streaking down his face.

Matt looked up, seeing the bodies on the bed. Jack looked as if he had just fallen asleep, despite the bullet hole in his temple. Alex was slumped over his legs, but Matt couldn’t bring himself to look at his fatalities.

Rian let himself fall limp against Matt, sobbing against the other man. There was blood covering the wall and the floor. So much blood. Too much blood. Too much-

“Rian,” he felt himself being shaken awake as he screamed. “Rian! Rian, baby, wake up!”

He opened his eyes, continuing to scream. He realized that there were tears streaking down his face, and then Cassadee was there, wiping them away with Kleenex.

“Baby, I’m right here. You’re dreaming. Shh, Rian,” she soothed and he grabbed her in his arms, holding her tightly to his chest.

“I ca-can’t get them out of my head,” he whimpered, shoving his face into her hair. “Everytime I close my eyes I see them. The-they’re dead, Cass. How can they be dead?!”

“Shh, Rian,” she ran her hands over his hair, rocking him gently. “I know, baby. It’s hard. It’s hard for all of us to believe, or understand.”

“W-why, Cass? Why would he do this?” Rian asked, and she shushed him.

“I don’t know, babe. Alex was really sick. He needed a lot of help that none of us could give him. I can’t really tell you what was going through his head,” she told him and he sobbed.

“I miss them, Cass. I miss Jack and I miss Alex,” he said and she nodded.

“I miss them too,” she said, feeling tears well up in her own eyes.

“How can they be gone?” he asked and she shook her head.

“Shh,” she whispered, running her fingers through his short hair. “Just try to sleep, baby. Try to go back to sleep. You have a long day tomorrow.”


“I can’t do this,” Rian whispered, handing the box to Zack as his eyes brimmed with tears once again.

“It’s what they would have wanted,” Danny tried to assure him, rubbing his back soothingly. They looked over to see Zack and Matt standing at the edge of the cliff, each holding a box in their hands.

“Rian,” Zack said, looking over at the drummer, “I really think you should be doing this.”

“I can’t,” Rian said, shaking his head and staring down at the little wooden box.

“It’ll help,” Jeff told him, pressing him forward. “You know, closure.”

“We all need to do it,” Matt said, looking up at the remaining members of All Time Low and the crew.

The men all looked between each other, silently nodding in agreement.

“But I’m not sticking my hand in ashes,” Vinny said and Matt rolled his eyes.

“Of course not, idiot,” Matt said.

“So how are we going to do this?” Colussy asked and Matt set the box down on the ground. He bent over, opening and taking the small bag of ashes out.

“Just pour it out, a little at a time,” he answered, looking down at the gray ash inside the bag. “Make sure there’s enough for everyone.”

“Alright,” the others nodded, and he chewed on his lip ring, opening the bag up a little wider.

“Alex,” he announced, carefully pouring out a small amount. He watched the wind pick up the gray ash, carrying it away across the bank.

He passed the bag to Colussy, watching him do the same. It moved down the line, passed from Colussy to Grieco, Grieco to Evan, Evan to Jeff, Jeff to Danny, Danny to Vinny, Vinny to Zack, and finally Zack to Rian.

Rian emptied out the rest of the bag, and each of the men said silently said their last final goodbyes. Rian opened the other box, taking the bag out and beginning the process again.

“Jack,” he announced, voice cracking.

The men watched all of the ashes scatter, drifting over the sky and out of sight. They stayed silent for a long time, just standing and watching.

Matt was the first one to turn, walking back towards his car. Slowly they all followed suit, walking to whichever car they had rode in. Zack and Rian were the last to move, eyes lingering on the trees and the river below them.

Zack turned, looking at his friend. He set his hand on his shoulder and Rian looked over at him.

“Come on,” he said softly. “It’s time to go.”

♠ ♠ ♠It's over Thank you, guys, for sticking with me through this whole thing.
This is one of my favorite stories I've written and I'm really going to miss it.
I hope you guys have enjoyed it as much as I have <3

If you want to read a more happy story, check this one out :)
It's not Jalex, but it's still amazing.

chaptered: you can take my life, pairing: alex gaskarth/jack barakat, rating: nc-17

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