All Pretty and Petite (Nineteen)

Mar 08, 2012 19:50

Title: All Pretty And Petite
Pairing: Jalex
Rating: NC-17
POV: Alex
Summary: “Sometimes I just, I wish I was a girl, one just his type. Then we’d be perfect together, you know?”
Disclaimer: I don't own Jack, Alex, or anyone in the lovely band and crew that make up All Time Low. They all own each other. Amen.

I opened my eyes slowly, glancing around the room. I recognized the comfortable atmosphere to be Jack's room, and I smiled. I could feel his arms wrapped around my waist and I rested my head back onto his shoulder. The moment would be perfect if it wasn't for the obnoxious pain of my full bladder.

I wiggled out of his grip, sitting up on the bed. I glanced back at him, seeing him open his eyes for a second before rolling over and falling back to sleep. I smiled, shaking my head before standing up.

I glanced around as the blankets fell from my naked body. I wasn't sure where my dress was at, and I honestly didn't feel like putting it back on. I walked over to Jack's dresser, opening a drawer and pulling out a pair of boxers and then grabbing a shirt. I slipped the articles on before quietly slipping out of the door. I walked down the hallway to the bathroom, shutting the door and moving over to go pee.

I looked into the mirror as I was washing my hands, frowning at my disheveled appearance. I pooled some water in my hands, rinsing my face off. I wet my hands again, running my fingers through my messy hair to try to get it to lay properly. It wasn't working and I just shook my head, turning the light off as I moved to leave the bathroom.

I jumped when I found May on the other end. She gave me an apologetic smile.

"G'morning," she said, glancing over me.

"Morning," I said, feeling a light blush graze my cheeks as I stood in front of her in her brother's clothes. That's not obvious at all.

She chuckled, moving around me to go into the bathroom. "Mom's making pancakes for you guys, so you might wanna poke Jack and tell him. Oh, and I put your dress on his dresser. You must have dropped it on your way in last night."

She gave me a knowing look as she shut the door and I blushed, hurrying back into Jack's room. I shut the door behind me, climbing onto the bed with Jack and shaking his shoulder gently.

He grunted as he rolled over, looking up at me through tired eyes.

"What's wrong?" he asked and I shook my head.

"Your mom is making pancakes," I told him, combing my fingers through his hair.

He sat up a little, glancing at the alarm clock and groaning.

"Did she come in here?" he asked, laying back down and pulling me into him.

"No. I saw May in the hallway," I answered, touching my hand to his scruffy cheek.

"Oh," he answered, rubbing his eyes.

"You slept in your contacts," I said and he nodded, slipping his eyes shut again. "You should take them out."

"I will in a minute," he mumbled, wrapping his arms around my waist and cuddling me. I smiled to myself, playing with his messy hair. He opened his eyes again, seeing me staring at him. He puckered his lips and I giggled, moving forward and kissing him softly.

He pulled away, yawning and sitting up.

"I'll be right back," he said, stretching as he got out of bed. He looked around the floor, picking up a pair of sweatpants and pulling them over his bare legs.

"Okay," I mumbled, looking down at the bed in attempt to ignore the sight of his morning wood bulging in his sweatpants. That was a nuisance I had dealt with for twenty-three years of my life. I would be lying if I said I didn't slightly miss it. Especially the advantage of rubbing one out in the shower. Masturbation was a total no go for me since I had become a girl, and that fucking sucked.

I laid back on the bed, sighing. Now that I was more awake I could feel the dull ache in my hips, which was no doubt from the mad sex Jack and I had had last night. I laughed to myself at the though. Fuck, I was even starting to think like a chick.

I heard the door open a few minutes later, seeing Jack walking back inside. He picked his glasses up off his bedside table, sliding them on before looking down at me with a lopsided smile.

"Come on. Let's go eat some pancakes," he said, touching my shoulder gently.

"I don't wanna walk," I groaned and he raised an eyebrow.

He leaned down, slipping an arm under my knees and the other on my middle back before lifting me out of the bed. I squealed, holding onto his neck tightly.

"Awh," he said, smiling at me. "You look so cute in my clothes."

I rolled my eyes, feeling him kiss my lips gently before he carried me down the stairs.

"Jack, put that poor girl down," I heard Joyce say as we entered the dining room. I giggled, feeling him release my legs and allow me to stand on my own. I sat down at the table, seeing the stack of pancakes Joyce had laid out for us and smiling.

"This looks delicious," I told her, reaching out with my fork to grab one. Jack and I reached out for the same one, and he pushed my hand away.

"Jack! You would think I never taught you manners!" she scolded, shaking her head at her son, who chuckled. "And thank you, dear. I hope you enjoy."

I smiled at her before turning to Jack, sticking my tongue out as I grabbed my own pancakes. He stuck his tongue out at me before reaching his hand out, lacing his fingers with mine underneath the table.


"Shh, this is the best part," Jack mumbled, and I rolled my eyes. I had somehow gotten suckered into watching Home Alone with Jack for the trillionth time.

"I wasn't even talking," I told him, feeling his arms wrap around me tighter. "And you think every part is the best part."

"Shh, Aly," he mumbled, pressing a kiss into my hair.

I laughed at my boyfriend, closing my eyes. I heard a loud buzzing noise break the silence, and Jack huffed loudly as he reached forward to grab his iphone off the coffee table.

"What?" he snapped, and I rolled my eyes.

"You're such a child," I mumbled, rubbing his knee gently.

"Right now? Seriously? Can't it wait until, like, tomorrow? I'm watching a movie with Aly," he said, and then made an even more pissed off face. "Whatever, Matt. I'm on my way. Shut up."

He ended the call, tossing his phone on the other side of the couch before pushing me back onto it and hugging me.

"Oof," I huffed, wrapping my arms around him. "What was that about?"

"Flyzik called a fucking band meeting. I don't wanna go. It's Saturday, we're never supposed to have band meetings on Saturday," he answered and I chuckled.

"It's Sunday, Jack," I informed him.

"It is?" he asked, raising his head and looking at me. "Well fuck that."

He laid his back down, cuddling me for a couple more minutes.

"You should go," I told him, kissing his forehead. "I don't want your band getting mad at you."

"They're already mad at me," he mumbled into my neck. "Everyone's on edge because Alex is gone, and they're taking it out on me."

I frowned, playing with his hair.

"Well... I don't want it to get any worse, so come on. You should get going. Flyzik is impatient," I told him, pushing him up off of me.

"I guess," he mumbled, sighing. "I'll call you later, okay?"

"Yeah," I answered, standing up to go get my shoes on. He grabbed my arm, turning me around and kissing me.


"Well look who finally decided to come home," Cassadee called out teasingly as I walked in the door. "Better be careful. The neighbors might start talking."

I laughed at her, slipping my shoes off and tossing my dress on the arm chair. I was still wearing Jack's shirt and a pair of his shorts. This was the only time that his clothes would ever be too big on me.

"So how was your night... and most of your day?" Cassadee asked and I smiled.

"It was good," I answered.

"What did you guys do?" she asked, and I gave her a sly smirk, which she raised an eyebrow at.

"Stuff," I answered cheekily.

"Alex," she said, giving me a look, "did you...?"

"We had sex," I told her. "A lot of sex, actually."

Her eyes widened and she sat up. "Classify a lot."

"A lot like, three times last night, and twice earlier today," I said, smirking and watching her mouth drop.

"Alex!" she exclaimed. "You popped your cherry and now you're a nympho!"

"There was no cherry to pop," I told her, snorting.

"Shut up," she answered, turning to face me. "So how was it?"

"It was... I don't know," I mumbled, shrugging, and she gave me a look.

"That's it? I always thought Jack would be a lot better in the sack than 'I don't know," she answered and my eyes widened.

"Cassadee!" I exclaimed and she rolled her eyes.

"What? Rian's not here. And it's true. I always imagined he would be a bomb in bed," she answered and I shook my head, closing my eyes.

"You are Rian's girlfriend. You will marry Rian one day. Can't imagine you with anyone else, ever, ever. Feels so wrong," I said, holding my hand out and waving it in front of her. I opened my eyes, nodding. "Better."

"You're retarded," she told me, brushing her brown hair out of her eyes. "Now tell me! Is he a good fuck or not?!"

"He's amazing!" I said, and she smirked.

"I knew it," she answered. "What did he do? Did you let him go down? Isn't that the fucking best?"

"Can I not give you a play by play of our sex?" I questioned and she sighed.

"I'm sorry! But Rian got called away before I even had time to try and seduce him," she said and I shook my head, closing my eyes again.

"Stop making me picture things!" I yelled at her. "And I know. Band meeting."

I made a face, and she frowned.

"I'm sorry," she said, and I shrugged.

"It's whatever," I answered and she leaned over, rubbing my arm sympathetically.

"If it makes you feel any better, you're all they're probably talking about," she said and I shook my head.

"It doesn't. They all still think I left them," I told her.

"They'll understand someday," she told me.

"I'm not too sure about that."
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