More Than The World (Twelve)

Feb 04, 2012 22:34

Title: More Than The World
Pairing: Jalex
Rating: NC-17
P.O.V.: Jack
Summary: The 'freshman fifteen' is the last thing on Alex's mind. He has to learn how to balance the stress of being a freshman in college, the father of a newborn, the perfect boyfriend, and having a crazy girl in love with him.
Disclaimer: I don't own Jack, Alex, or anyone in the lovely band and crew that make up All Time Low. They all own each other. Amen.
Warning: Mentions of mpreg.
A/N: Let me remind you this is FICTION. Thanks.

"Where the fuck is he?" I demanded, looking up at the clock again. It was nearing one in the morning and I was getting restless.

"I don't know," May answered, tossing me a blanket. "Did you try calling him again?"

"I've been calling him all night. This is getting fucking ridiculous. He said he would be home a little late this afternoon, not come home tomorrow morning. I don't know whether to be pissed off or worried."

I sighed, running my hands through my hair. Josie had been absolutely horrid about going to bed, and Alex was no where in sight. To say my night had been stressful was an understatement.

"I think he's here," May said, looking out the window. I heard a car door slam shut, and shortly later the front door opened. Alex stumbled inside, looking at me with heavy eyes.

"And he's fucking drunk! Lovely!" I said, and May frowned, excusing herself upstairs. "Where the fuck have you been?!"

"At a party," he answered, sitting down in the arm chair and struggling to get his shoes of.

"A party? No shit!" I exclaimed. He looked up at me, blinking.

"You're mad at me," he stated, and I clapped my hands.

"Good job, Alexander! You're so observant!" I said, watching him frown.

"What did I do?" he asked and I laughed.

"Huh, let's see. First, you didn't mention anything about going to a party when you left this afternoon. Then you don't call me all fucking day-"

"I did!" he defended. "I called you all day! You never answered!"

"Because I was being responsible and taking care of our daughter! Like I always fucking am!"

Alex frowned, fidgeting in his seat.

"I take care of her too! I took care of her all by myself last weekend when you were sick," he told me, and I glared.

"Wow! Don't you deserve father of the year! A whole weekend?! Welcome to my life every day," I told him and he huffed.

"I go to school, Jack! It's not my fault I'm gone all morning," he said.

"Oh, are you sure? Or do you just tell me you're going to school and go off and do your own thing?" I scoffed.

"I bring home books!" he exclaimed. "I do countless hours of homework each night after we put Josie to bed! I think I deserve to have some fun!"

"Oh good for you! You work so hard, babe. I'm sorry, next time I promise to have dinner ready when you get home! Oh, and I'll stand at the door with your slippers and coffee. Then after dinner you can go do your homework in peace. I'll fit time for all that in between feeding Josie and changing Josie and putting Josie to bed and playing with Josie. I'll do everything because that's what I'm expected to do, right? Be your little bitch?"

"You don't have time to do anything but take care of Josie, yet you had time today to hang out with Zack and dye your hair?" Alex asked, and I could see in his eyes that he was starting to sober up. "And maybe that would be nice to come home to! It would sure be better than coming home to you bitching at me about nothing!"

"I guess you don't have to worry about that when you don't come at all, huh?" I asked, glaring but feeling my hands start to shake.

"Jesus, Jack! I came home, didn't I?"

"Atone in the morning, Alex!" I yelled. "You come home from God knows where at one in the morning, and I'm not supposed to be mad?! What am I supposed to think?!"

"I told you I was at a party."

"Where? With who? When were you planning on calling me?" I asked.

"It was at Travis' friend's house," he answered, and I narrowed my eyes.

"Really?" I demanded. "It's gonna be like that?"

"Like what?" he asked, sighing.

"You and Travis?" I said, and he shook his head, rolling his eyes.

"You're fucking ridiculous," he told me.

"So you're not fucking him?" I sneered, and he glared.

"Be fucking real," he said. "If I were fucking him, why would I introduce you to him?"

My temper flared and I stood, throwing the blanket and pillow at him.

"Have fun sleeping on the couch, you asshole," I spat. "You better get that checked out."

"You're really gonna act like that?" Alex asked, picking the blanket up and throwing it on the couch. "You really don't fucking trust me?!"

'Not right now I don't," I said, walking back to the bedroom. Alex followed me.

"This is bullshit, Jack," he said.

"Go before you fucking wake the baby," I told him, turning on my heel quickly.

"Maybe I wanna see my baby."

"She's asleep, like you should be, you fucking drunk. Now go!" I hissed, hand on the door handle.

"Jack," he said, reaching his arm out to me. I jerked away quickly, glaring.

"I'm done with this conversation, Alex," I said. "I'm done. Now go to bed."

"I can't go to bed when you're mad at me," he said and I scoffed.

"Then I guess you aren't going to bed then, huh, babe?" I said, opening the door and slipping inside the bedroom.

I glanced down at Josie as I walked past her bassinet, fixing her blankets. She didn't wake up but stirred slightly, so I tucked the blanket deeper into her sides.

I sat down on the bed, sighing as I put my head in my hands. I didn't want to sleep alone. It would be impossible to comfortable with Alex's arms wrapped around me, but what he said had really made me mad and I knew I wouldn't be able to bring him back into the room without arguing with him some more.

I pulled the blanket up, crawling to where my pillow was laying. I slid underneath the blanket, wrapping it tightly around my body and slipping my hand underneath the pillow. I closed my eyes, trying to fall asleep. I kept hearing Josie make these soft noises, so I opened my eyes , glancing over at her. She was still sleeping, so I rolled over to my other side, trying to fall asleep again.

I opened my eyes after a few more minutes, checking the clock. It was nearing two. I sighed, pulling the blanket over my head completely.


I opened my eyes slowly, blinking away the sunlight that flooded them. I stretched for a minute, glancing around the room. I looked over at the clock, seeing it was almost noon. I furrowed my eyebrows. How the hell could I sleep until noon? Josie always woke me up by at least eight.

I jumped up, throwing the blankets off and hurrying over to her bassinet. It was empty except for a blanket, and I bit my lip. I opened the bedroom door, walking outside and down the hall into the living room. Her swing was empty and no one was in the room.

"May," I called out, hearing noise coming from the kitchen. I walked inside, seeing her pouring g a drink.

"Yeah?" she asked, looking up at me. She gave me a concerned look, and I ran my hands through my hair.

"Where's Josie?" I asked and her face softened.

"Alex took her to his mom's," she answered and I sighed, sitting down. "You okay, bro?"

"I woke up and she was gone. I always wake up with her. It scared me," I told her, and she smiled sympathetically.

"You must have been tired, then. She was crying this morning, so Alex got her," she said, and I frowned.

"I didn't even hear her," I sighed, putting my head in my hands. "Fuck. What if something would have been wrong with her?"

"That's why you have Alex," she said, and I shook my head.

"When did they leave?" I asked, picking a banana up from the fruit bowl on the table.

"About ten," she answered. "He said they'd be back in a couple hours."

"What am I supposed to do here for a couple hours by myself?" I asked and she rolled her eyes.

"Jack, you whine about needing a break, and then you whine when you finally get one. Does that make any sense at all?" she said, and I nodded in realization.

"I didn't think about that," I said, and she rolled her eyes.

"Yeah. Nana wanted to see Josie, and Alex got screamed at last night because Jack needs a break. You do the math," she answered.

I frowned, taking the last bite of my banana.

"I don't know what to do without my screaming baby, okay? I'm out of my comfort zone," I told her and she laughed.

"Just do what you would do when Alex wasn't around before Josie was born," she said and I snorted.

"I'm gonna need some porn," I said and she made a disgusted face.

"Jack!" she exclaimed and I laughed.

"What?" I asked, laughing harder as she shook her head. 'Come on, you had to see that coming."

"No!" she exclaimed.

"Well stay away from my room or you just might," I said and her eyes widened.

"Jack Bassam!" she yelled, and I laughed, standing up.

"You've been warned," I said, joking hip checking her as I walked past.

"Get the fuck away from me, you little pervert," she said.

"With pleasure," I told her, giggling. "Get it? Pleasure?"

"Jack! I'm gonna tell mom!" she yelled and I snorted.

"Have fun with that one, sissy," I told her, disappearing into the hallway.

I walked into my room, grabbing Alex's laptop. I laid on the bed, opening it up and turning it on.

I went to click on the Internet icon, but his pictures caught my eye instead. I clicked on it, smirking. Fuck yeah I could get off to pictures of my sexy ass boyfriend's face. Especially if he had one with his mouth open.

I went down the list, going as far back in the pictures as I could. I noticed a folder without a cover, and I clicked on it curiously. A window popped up, asking for a password, and I raised an eyebrow. Why would he have a picture that was password protected? What did he have to hide?

I stared at the keyboard, trying to think of what the password could be. I looked at the number, making a face. I punched in 0413, rolling my eyes when it worked. Of course, our anniversary date. What a fucking sap!

The file opened and I sat it wasn't a picture, but a video. I sat back curiously, hitting play.

The screen displayed a sixteen-year-old Alex smirking at the camera. I hit the full-screen button, watching his face take up the whole computer screen.

The younger Alex winked, putting his index finger to his lips before moving away from it. I watched as he moved towards the bed, where a younger version of myself was sitting. It was weird, but I shook it off.

He crawled over to me, biting his lip and smirking at me with eyes that would still make me melt.

"Babe," I heard him mumble, ass sticking out and swaying as he did so. I watched, feeling my pants tighten.

"Yeah?" I heard myself giggle as he leaned forward, nibbling on my ear. I watched him whisper in it and my eyes widened. I nodded my head eagerly and Alex pulled back, smirking at the camera as he sat back against the head board.

I sat on my knees, leaning forward and kissing his smirking lips. His hands found their way to my sides, dipping down to hold onto my hips. He pulled his face away from mine, leaning his head back and gasping as I kissed his neck. I made my way down his chest, shimmying down the bed. My fingers gripped the hem of his shorts as I sucked on the skin beneath his belly button. He groaned, the noise traveling through the speakers and hitting my dick.

I watched him spread his knees apart and I settled in between them, taking his erection into my mouth.

"Fucking pervert!" I said, laughing as I watched him moan and run his fingers through my hair. He had seriously taken a video of me blowing him to get off to!

I turned, rustling through the nightstand. The sounds of my boyfriend panting and groaning were becoming a little hard to handle without a hand on my dick. I knew there was a bottle of lube somewhere.

"Mm, Jack, baby," I heard Alex mutter. "Y-you- oh, mmm. You wanna ride my dick, baby?"

My mouth dropped and I looked back at the screen.

"No," I muttered,watching the Jack in the video pull off, nodding as Alex pulled him up.

No, he didn't just film me blowing him; that little fucker filmed us having sex and never told me about it!

I shook my head, finding the lube and pulling my sweatpants down. I poured some lube in my hand, wrapping the hand around my dick and realizing just how overdo the attention was. I moaned, pumping myself just as video me sank down on Alex's dick.

It was weird, watching the video while jerking off. Almost like fantasizing without the effort of coming up with a scenario. I just laid back, putting my unoccupied hand behind my head, watching the video and putting my hand to work.A bit of a bipolar chapter.
But it's super long because I feel bad about being gone for so long.
I finally got my computer back.
Now I pray I'll be back to updating regularly.

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