More Than The World (Three)

Nov 11, 2011 18:11

Title: More Than The World
Pairing: Jalex
Rating: NC-17
P.O.V.: Alex
Summary: The 'freshman fifteen' is the last thing on Alex's mind. He has to learn how to balance the stress of being a freshman in college, the father of a newborn, the perfect boyfriend, and having a crazy girl in love with him.
Disclaimer: I don't own Jack, Alex, or anyone in the lovely band and crew that make up All Time Low. They all own each other. Amen.
Warning: Mentions of mpreg.
A/N: Let me remind you this is FICTION. Thanks.

“I think we should give her a bath,” I told Jack, unwrapping Josie from her blanket.

“Why? Does she stink?” Jack asked, examining his stomach. “Does this look okay to you? ‘Cause it’s making my stomach really itchy.”

“It looks fine,” I told him. “Most cuts itch while they’re healing. And no, she smells like baby lotion. I just mean that the last time we gave her a bath was the morning we brought her home from the hospital. That was three days ago.”

“True,” he agreed, pulling his shirt down. He got up, going to one of the boxes. He pulled out a couple towels, a bottle of Baby Magic soap, and a few washcloths. “Where do you wanna do this?”

“In the kitchen,” I answered. “It’ll be easier to wash her hair.”

“Alright. Get the baby nakey,” he said, and I chuckled.

“Nakey baby!” I gasped, and Josie stared up at me.

“Do you think her eyes are gonna stay blue?” Jack asked, and I made a face.

“They’re not even blue, really. They’re more gray. So, no. I think they’ll get darker. They’re just still in that newborn stage,” I told him. “I really hope her eyes get dark likes yours. She’ll have your big, brown eyes.”

“You have brown eyes too, babe,” he reminded me, and I nodded.

“I know, but yours are darker,” I told him.

I lifted Josie carefully, taking her little t-shirt off. I kissed the side of her chubby belly, avoiding the umbilical cord stump that still hadn’t fallen off yet. I pulled her little jeans off, tossing them into the dirty clothes hamper. I left her diaper on just in case, wrapping her back up in her blanket to keep her warm.

“Okay. Let’s go,” I said, lifting her up. I carried her out to the kitchen, followed by Jack, who carried everything else.

Jack put one towel down, and then another on top of it. I laid Josie down on top of them, unfolding her from the blanket. I set it to the side, undoing her diaper and handed it to Jack to throw away. I laid the blanket over her bottom half so she wouldn’t get cold.

“Can you fill the sink up a little with warmish water?” I asked Jack, who nodded.

He turned on the sink, testing out different water temperatures until he found a suitable one. He plugged it, letting the water fill up. I picked up one of the washcloths, dipping the corner of it in the water. I wiped her let eye from the inner corner, moving outward. Josie brought her hands up, fussing slightly as I cleaned the other eye. “Shh, baby.”

I wetted the washcloth down completely, washing her mouth and cheeks. I moved down to her chin, making sure to wash it and the area underneath it. Josie kicked her feet, letting out a loud cry I had come to recognize as her pissed off one. It started off loud, and stayed loud.

“Josie,” Jack cooed, caressing her hair. “Stop it. Hey.”

“Shh, okay, baby, we’re done with your face,” I told her, chuckling as she continued to wail angrily. “She’s so pissed.”

“Josie Reagan,” Jack said.

“What are you doing to that baby?” Joyce questioned, walking into the kitchen.

“Giving her a bath,” I answered, and she laughed.

“I take it she doesn’t like her bath,” she said, and I shook my head. “Just keep going. She’s gonna cry until she gets used to it.”

I dipped the washcloth back in the water, beginning to wash off her torso. I carefully moved around the umbilical cord, cautious of touching it. I moved her blanket away, wiping down her legs and feet. I dipped the washcloth, pouring a little bit of soap on it to wash her little bit.

“Okay, now this part’s really gonna piss her off,” I told Jack, and he nodded.

“Oh, I know,” he said.

He grabbed a cup from the cupboard, filling it up with a little water. I lifted Josie carefully, holding the back of her head in one hand and her butt in the other.

I held her over the sink carefully, letting Jack pour the water over her blonde hair. She squired, face turning sour as her pissed off cry started up again.

“Shh, princess,” I cooed. “It’s okay.”

She continued to scream as Jack gently rubbed the shampoo into her hair. Fat, angry tears rolled down from her cheeks, and I felt my heart ache.

“Almost done, baby,” Jack told her, and I tilted her back slightly as he poured the water onto her hair again. She wailed, and I frowned at Jack. He finally got all of the shampoo out of her hair, putting the cup down. He removed the top towel, and I laid her down on the one that was underneath. I wrapped her up, putting the hood on her head and picking her up.

“See. All done,” I said, and she let out a loud noise.

“Oh shut it,” Jack said, kissing her cheek. “It wasn’t even that bad.”

I saw a flash go off, turning around and seeing May standing with her camera.

“Sorry, she just looks so cute in her little towel,” she said, and I grinned.

I cradled her, looking down at her pouting face.

“Awwh, you’re just like your Deedee. You look so cute when you’re mad,” I cooed at her, grinning.

Jack rolled his eyes at me, and I smiled. I snuggled Josie to my chest, rubbing her back as her head lolled on my shoulder. I moved my hand up and hearing her cries begin to quiet down as I swayed.

“Let’s go get some clothes on,” Jack told her, picking up the towel and the soap. I followed him out of the kitchen and into our room, sitting on the bed and laying Josie in the middle.

“Toss me a diaper,” I said to Jack, and he grabbed one from the package. He tossed it gently, and it landed next to her head. I unwrapped the blanket, keeping the towel part over her wet hair.

“Before you do that,” Jack started, and I looked up, seeing he was holding a bottle of lotion out to me. I took it, popping the cap and pouring some in my hands. I rubbed it into her smooth skin, and she kicked her feet playfully. She brought one hand up to her mouth, sucking on her thumb as she stared up at me.

“Are you getting hungry, baby?” I questioned, wiping the remaining lotion on my shorts. “Do you make her a bottle?”

“She just ate like a half hour ago,” Jack said, checking the clock. “I don’t think she’s hungry. I think she just loves her thumb.”

“She sure does,” I answered. I lifted her legs up carefully, sliding the diaper under her butt and fastening it. I folded it down so it wouldn’t touch the umbilical cord stump. “I hope that falls off soon.”

“The doctor said it should fall off after about a week,” Jack said.

“It looks like it’s starting to come off a little at the corner,” I told him, examining it.

“Don’t touch it,” Jack said, and I glanced up at him.

“I’m not. I was just looking at it,” I told him. “I need some clothes.”

“Here,” he answered, handing me a onesie.

“I think I’m finally getting the hang of dressing her. I don’t feel like I’m gonna break her anymore,” I told Jack, and he laughed.

“Me too,” he told me, laying a pair of pants next to me. “She’s so small and dainty.”

“Josie,” I cooed, leaning down as I snapped the bottom of the onesie. I kissed her cheek, grabbing the pants and pulling them her legs. Jack sat down next to me, laying his head on my shoulder.

“I’m hungry,” he told me, and I raised an eyebrow.

“What? Am I supposed to feed you too?” I asked, and he laughed.

“Yes,” he mumbled. “You’re supposed to be the bread-winner.”

I turned my head, kissing his lips softly.

“What do you want?” I asked, running my fingers over Josie’s toes.

“Pizzas,” he answers. “Real burgers.”

“So you want to go out to eat is what you’re telling me?” I asked, and he shrugged. “What about Josie?”

“Bring her?” he offered.

“Or ask Meme?” I said.

“Or that,” he said. “Unless Meme and Auntie want to go.”

“I’m sensing you want to take family outing?” I asked, smiling.

“Maybe,” he answered, and I kissed his forehead.

“Go ask,” I told him.

“Okay,” he said, getting off the bed and leaving the room.

“Let’s go see Auntie May,” I said to Josie, picking her up.

I walked out of the room, going past the living room and see Jack sitting on the couch with Joyce. I went upstairs to May’s room, knocking on the closed door.

She poked her head outside of the nursery door, which was a few feet down from her own room.

“Hey,” she grinned, glancing down at Josie.

“What are you doing?” I asked, walking over.

“Hanging one of the pictures we got from the hospital,” she told me.

“How cute,” I smiled, looking at it.

“What are you doing?” she asked in a teasing tone.

“Your brother wants to go out to dinner,” I told her.

“Really?” she asked. “So are you asking me to babysit a munchkin?”

“No, actually he wants us all to go,” I told her.

“Oh, okay,” she said. “I’d have to change.”

“So do I,” I told her. “And Josie.”

She laughed, kissing the baby’s forehead.

“What are you guys leaving?” she asked.

“I don’t know. Jack’s talking to your mom right now,” I told her, and she nodded.

“Okay. Just let me know.”

It's 11/11/11 :)
Who made an epic wish at 11:11 today?
I didn't.
I was on the verge of passing out after donating blood :) lmfao.
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