Yet Another Kid's Comic...

Jan 01, 2008 20:26

This one is calling itself a "Cine-manga." I don't have the hardcopy in front of me right now, but I believe it was called "The Story of the Pelegostos" (or similar). So, yes, it's very DMC. I'm posting just a few pages from it, because they seem to have caught Will with one or two precious expressions, AND the simplification of the story lends itself to a Jack/Will interpretation. :D

(I'm trying something new with photobucket; these pics will be HUGE compared to what you've seen from me before: about 2MB apiece. Dial-up users beware!)

It begins pretty much at the beginning.

I love that they included the Strumpets. And the Batman sound effects. ^_^

This was just too cute all around.

His right ear! lol. And, somehow, the addition of "Will!" before "Save me!" really brings out the slash. :-p

I thought I'd seen every still taken of this scene, but they found a new one. I love the look he's wearing.

And these two are here for the line they left out. (And if you're not into the Turrow, you might like it for the added touch of selflessness it seems to add - when contrasted with the movie version.)

Lastly, I can't help but see that final line as an "In Joke." lol. Because there are so many people who feel that's exactly what they did. :-p

Happy New Year Everyone!
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