A failed art, or somesuch thing. [RP-thread.]

Nov 29, 2006 22:23

Ashu had, after a goodly while and a few glasses of wine, finally worked up the nerve. So here she was with her jacket on over top of a two piece set of lingerie, outside Zane's apartment. A deep breath and then she knocks on the door.

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not_in_zane December 5 2006, 04:07:27 UTC
"I don't end up that bad. It's just some missions are worse than others. This is pretty tame though. And I'll be okay. 'Sides, this is what I'm good at, and I like what I do, so it all works out," he said, shrugging a little.


not_in_zane December 5 2006, 06:54:33 UTC
"Have you ever tried to get to know her outside of Proto making out with her, Ash?" Zane asked, rolling his eyes a little.

And are you sure you don't blame her for having Proto in the first place? he thought, but had that tact to not say.


turnabout_girl December 5 2006, 06:59:13 UTC
"Considering it doesn't seem like I'll get a chance to know her outside of Proto making out with her? Since they seem to be moving in together now?" Ashu asked right back, shrugging a little. "And there was that time during the whole King thing but it was freaking uncomfortable."

And if Zane had said that he'd learn quickly that Ashu doesn't really want Proto like that anymore. Too bad Zane has tact.


not_in_zane December 5 2006, 19:44:40 UTC
"Why was it uncomfortable?" Zane asked. "And you never know unless you try. But then you won't will you? Because you're so convinced that she'll hurt Proto, that you don't even want to try to know her."

One of the reasons that he was bringing this up now was because if he was going to be friends with Ashu, he'd rather not have her bitching or complaining or making snide comments every time he mentioned Xao. If only because she was a friend of his too, and he wasn't the type that would keep from mentioning one of his friends because it made someone else uncomfortable. That was their problem, not his.


turnabout_girl December 5 2006, 23:36:04 UTC
"Because it was pretty much right after he dumped me," Ashu answered. "And I'll try if he tries, it's bad enough he seems to have a fit anytime I mention you to him. Or tell me I should go have sex with you."

Mostly the only thing she wanted to fix this all was to have Proto just not talk about his damned love life every time she saw the 'bot. But that would be pretty impossible.


not_in_zane December 6 2006, 03:49:02 UTC
"Eh, it creeped him out the one time I read his mind. Or something," Zane said, shrugging. "He also didn't like that I was trying to teach his girlfriend how to dance. And why does he keep wanting you to have sex with me?"

That caused Zane to blink. And wonder if that's where Ashu got the notion of wanting to jump his bones from.


turnabout_girl December 6 2006, 04:06:42 UTC
"S'not like you do it on purpose," Ashu pointed out. "That's because he is a strong believer in the theory that sex fixes everything, duh."

And if Zane asked he'd find out that it was pretty much Ashu's own idea, and the fact that Proto told her she'd screw it up if she tried to.


not_in_zane December 6 2006, 04:27:58 UTC
"Well I generally ask first. I was kind of messed up at the time anyway. The last really bad mission," Zane said, shaking his head.


turnabout_girl December 6 2006, 04:31:36 UTC
"Which makes you my favourite telepath," Ashu said, giggling a little. "And I still don't like that you get messed up at all."


not_in_zane December 6 2006, 21:45:12 UTC
"It doesn't happen that often," Zane said with a shrug. "Besides, it's only polite to ask before you go digging about in someone's head."


turnabout_girl December 6 2006, 22:35:03 UTC
"Tell that to some of the Nexus-bound telepaths," Ashu said, deadpan. "So."


not_in_zane December 6 2006, 23:29:22 UTC
"So what?" he countered.


turnabout_girl December 6 2006, 23:48:13 UTC
"Um, you have any good movies or non-stressful stuff we could do for fun without going outside?" she asked, grinning. "Or you could let me have free range of your kitchen and I'll cook you dinner, or lunch... Because I have no clue what time it is here."


not_in_zane December 8 2006, 00:59:53 UTC
"Can you cook?" Zane asked, arching an eyebrow.


turnabout_girl December 8 2006, 01:19:49 UTC
"I didn't drop out of cooking school and not learn something," Ashu answered, giving Zane a Look. "I can make a lot, I'm just usually lazy and don't cook."


not_in_zane December 9 2006, 01:42:34 UTC
"I didn't know you went to cooking school," Zane said. "You can cook if you want. I have movies, and just about every video game known to man," he offered.


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