
May 28, 2012 22:25

May 25 - I already named my PSP Reno and my cell Axel. So what should I call my iPod? Maybe Xellos... He's cute and all, black with a blue cover, but he doesn't respond to being stabbed. I have to touch him with my finger rather than my nails and that's uncomfortable. I'm still getting used to typing with my pinkie. I'll take him to work and play ( Read more... )

updates, slayers, tech, fanart, regnoran galaxy, fanfics, ipod, photo, mario, pokemon, birthday, life, video games

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Comments 11

snow_rayjah May 29 2012, 14:51:43 UTC
:o! Mikari-chan got an ipod? Ipod touch? What kiiiind? :3 <3 I named mine Xanxus because he's stubborn. XD

Feel better soon, sissa~!


turkmikari May 29 2012, 17:30:31 UTC
yup an ipod touch :D


snow_rayjah May 30 2012, 16:32:02 UTC
:D That's pretty cool~! Do you like it so far?


turkmikari May 31 2012, 20:38:10 UTC
yup ^_^


waterpriestess May 29 2012, 16:11:36 UTC
I hope you feel better! *hugs and gives cake*


turkmikari May 29 2012, 17:30:39 UTC


ubercraze May 29 2012, 19:41:04 UTC
I named my iPod mattPod just so I had an excuse to turn into a silhouette and dance on brightly colored backgrounds (Shush. It made sense in my head many years ago). Carried that name throughout all my ipods (currently on my third. It has surprisingly lasted me a while). I tend to use my thumb to switch things around. Have a cheap stylus for my iPad...even though that's currently missing. Oh and fair warning....itunes was made by Satan himself. I hate that program so. fucking. much.

You bought that Fate PSP game? :o I never would have guessed you to be a fighting game fan (I can only picture you playing Ranma and maybe Street Fighter back on the SNES). Let me know if that's any good...I was kind of interested. Did you watch the Fate/Stay Night anime? I like the characters but the story itself was kind of "meh". Shiro is lame and useless. lulz "People die when they are killed." (actual line from the show)


turkmikari May 30 2012, 01:04:48 UTC
I haven't used itunes yet. I have the icon and all, but I got Xellos so I could have easy internet access so that's all I've really been doing. XD watching videos and posting.

It's supposed to be RPG-ish. Haven't tried it yet ^^;; It's my first Fate/ anything so I'm going in with basically no idea of what to expect.


turkmikari May 30 2012, 01:06:13 UTC
wait... you use a stylus for the ipad and not the ipod? But the ipod is so much smaller O.o;; doesn't that make it uncomfortable to type with your thumbs? I can't aim very well since I have long nails and need to use the side of my fingers instead of the tip.


ubercraze May 30 2012, 04:59:29 UTC
Oh god I never type with that thing. I hate that non-keyboard keyboard. iPod is strictly for music. Apps and what not are on my iPad (drawing and such are easier with the lost stylus)

Also it looks like Fate/Unlimited Codes just got a price drop on PSN today. Went from 20 bucks to 10. I hope that's not the one you bought...

itunes eats up memory, constantly bugs for updates and never works right. I've deleted songs off my ipod and itunes tells me I have even LESS space after doing so. If I ever met who made it, I would punch him in the face. If it was steve jobs, I'd dig up his corpse and punch his dead face. That's just how much I loathe that program.


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