Round 17: Themes

Apr 09, 2016 21:34

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-round 17, !themes

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Questions? absolutelybatty April 9 2016, 11:35:36 UTC
Let me know here! And if there's a broken link anywhere in your story let me know asap so I can fix it up for you!


RE: Questions? angelamaria April 9 2016, 14:59:22 UTC
Fantastic activity and themes!! :D It's UH MAY ZING :DD I just love the path I ended up taking and laughed out loud a few times!

This doesn't really affect the icons we're doing, BUT! I was just thinking and I got curious, so during the voting rounds, will we know which theme each icon "belongs" to? So we know which is best interpretative/thematically closest/etc or will that not be a thing for this round?



RE: Questions? absolutelybatty April 10 2016, 00:05:18 UTC
Did you laugh because of a typo? Because I would not be surprised, to be honest!

As to your question, yes, you will! In the submission post, which just went up, the submission form requires that everyone list the themes for their icon, and those themes will be included in each voting post so that you know what the icon was meant to showcase. And then the voting form will only ask for 'best interpretation' (since most creative would be a little unfair). It's similar to Round 12 when we did Cluedo, and everyone had different themes from each other as well.

Hopefully that answers your question fully, and thank you!


RE: Questions? angelamaria April 10 2016, 14:54:54 UTC
NOT AT ALL! I don't know the other story arcs yet but I thought that mine ended up quite apt for myself, to be honest! So fantastic. It's absolutely amazing. THANK YOU

And got it! :D


RE: Questions? afastmachine April 9 2016, 17:56:36 UTC
WOW, this whole thing is really amazing!! My adventure actually made me legit tear up, why do you do this to meee???

But for a real actual question, how are we going to compare icons based on a theme if everyone is getting their own adventure? I'm sure some will get the same as me, but how will we the voters be able to compare my round 6 icon to another different round 6 icon? Or is that something you've anticipated and will be working on fixing?

Also, do you know when the submissions post will go up? I'm super inspired now to get out and work on these!

ETA: I just realized angelamaria just asked the same question *facepalm*


RE: Questions? absolutelybatty April 10 2016, 00:07:47 UTC
Now I'm not sure if you got a "bad" ending or a "happy" one, but I look forward to seeing when you submit!

Answer to the first question here for you!

And as for the second question, I just put it up!


Re: Questions? afastmachine April 10 2016, 18:06:31 UTC
It was...good. Nostalgia tears, how about that?

Thank you!


RE: Questions? naginis April 11 2016, 16:44:20 UTC
I have no words for how amazingly creative you are. ♥

I have a question. I got "detail" for my 5th icon, but I'm not really sure how to interpret this theme? :)

(this isn't screened btw)


RE: Questions? absolutelybatty April 11 2016, 21:34:02 UTC
Question threads for non-anon rounds aren't usually screened. If you're uncomfortable with that, though, the Page-A-Mod post is always screened, and you can always PM me instead!

Oooh, that's one of my favorite themes! You can go at any way you want to, but you could, for instance, choose to focus in on a detail of someone's costume or just of their body (i.e. if they have super incredible hair). You could focus on a scene in some media where person A remembers some obscure detail about person B and it's a significant moment. You could focus on details of scenery or something similar.

The icon examples chosen went for a more technical stand point on the theme. So, for example, the HP icon in the examples, has little texture 'details' in the composition. And the painting in the pamkips icon highlights certain details of the color scheme/the character's costume. Your current default would fit the theme perfectly, actually! The painting "details" her hair.

Hopefully that helps! Let me know if you have any other questions!


Re: Questions? naginis April 11 2016, 21:36:34 UTC
Yes, that makes sense, thank you :)


RE: Questions? afastmachine April 20 2016, 22:06:02 UTC
this sounds dopey, but do they all have to be from the same fandom/medium, whatever?


RE: Questions? absolutelybatty April 21 2016, 00:44:59 UTC
They do not. You can mix and match mediums or fandoms as you like.


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