Thank you! I'm still a bit unsure of how to manage posting icons both here and on dw, do you crosspost everything? I'll definitely pay attention to the icontalking comm :)
Yes, I crosspost everything. Of course, for challenges on LJ, when I post my entry to the challenge comm, I then link the LJ-crosspost and not the DW post.
It works fine. The only problem is the whole flist split that is happening in the comments, nothing to do about that. But *a lot* of people have come to DW from tumblr. Except for the iconmaking community, nothing else is left on LJ, so my posts now all have a lot more comments on the DW side.
Comments 4
It works fine. The only problem is the whole flist split that is happening in the comments, nothing to do about that. But *a lot* of people have come to DW from tumblr. Except for the iconmaking community, nothing else is left on LJ, so my posts now all have a lot more comments on the DW side.
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