Tumnus / Lucy fan fiction exerpt

Sep 24, 2006 11:31

I am posting this little bit here as a stand alone story of sorts. It is actually a part of my epic story 'The Road Home', but I thought I would share this bit with you since it directly pertains to the Lucy / Tumnus universe.

Please let me know what you think, and if you like it, you can check out the chapters of the stories at my live journal or on fan fiction net. This is my description of the extended reunion scene as seen through Susan's eyes.

Since Lucy is a child here, it has a general audience rating.

The Reunion

The darkness had given way to early dawn and in the morning sunlight, Susan and Lucy arrived at the White Witch’s castle and after crawling down from Aslan’s back, they began to wander through the castle grounds.

Aslan had disappeared, no doubt looking for survivals in the dungeons, Susan surmised as her sister started to run around the courtyard. At first, she thought that her sister was playing some sort of game, but the moment she saw Lucy’s earnest face, she dismissed that idea entirely.

The back of Lucy’s cape flapped in the breeze as she ran into the inner sanctum of the castle. The place looked very much like a large exhibition hall for a sculptor or artist. Pieces of rock in the form of living creatures were all around them, the snow now melting and leaving the statues dripping wet. The thaw had reached this dismal place, Susan thought as she followed her sister. Seconds later, she caught up only to lose sight of Lucy again.

This happened for some time, most of the stops only a split second as Lucy took in her surroundings and ran off yet again. During one of these brief stops, Susan brushed her hand up against the cold surface of one of the statues. She swallowed as her fingers detected a sort of cold and unfeeling emotion.

As she began to understand what all of this meant, she ran to catch up with Lucy all the while her thoughts were still on the trip that had brought them here. Now, her eyes were lost in the gray mass of stone that seemed to embody this place.

Not having slept the night before, she could somehow feel her tired legs running almost automatically, as though she had no control over them. The adrenaline alone seemed to be keeping the younger of the two sisters awake, but now Susan simply felt tired. Seconds later, Lucy had stopped for what seemed like the umpteenth time and stood staring as though she was waking from a trance.

“Lucy,” she gasped as she eventually rounded a corner to see that her sister had stopped and was staring fixated at one of the statues. Susan watched her run towards it, a gasp of agony literally forcing itself from her.

As she came closer, she watched as Lucy began to weep softly, her tiny frame trembling with each heartbreaking sob. By this time, Susan had reached her sister’s side and gently put her arm around her shoulders. Leaning into her embrace, Lucy appeared as though her existing energy was also draining out of her. As usual, Susan had no choice but to be the support for her grieving sister. It was more than obvious that Lucy had reached the end of her quest and found who needed to be found.

This must be Mister Tumnus, the one she always spoke so fondly of, she thought as she held her sister’s wracking body in her arms. She wished that there was something that she could say that would help Lucy. The words ‘I’m sorry,’ suddenly seemed empty and meaningless, almost uncaring as they filtered through her mind.

Of course she wanted to say something but had no idea what at this point. Instead, she simply stared, her eyes somehow taking in the hopelessness of the moment as well as the emotions Lucy was emanating. It seemed so unfair to be so young and to lose someone in such a devastating way.

Lucy’s sobs continued to fill the silent air, and Susan took a deep breath. I always thought of her as a crybaby, but now her tears are more than I can bear. Oh Aslan, if you are going to do something to help either of them, then please do it now. Contrary to her thoughts, the seconds slowly ticked by, thus leaving time in a virtual freeze.

Susan continued to watch as Lucy’s gaze remained on the faun statue and seemed unwilling to shift. Instead of telling her that it was time to go as she had done at the Stone Table, Susan opted to wait until her sister was ready to leave. Her feet seemed almost rooted to the ground as she too stared up at the statue and a strange feeling of empathy suddenly washed over her.

Several moments later, as if on cue, her gaze shifted to see that Aslan had approached and was standing silently to one side of the statue. Susan watched as the lion inhaled sharply and a soft breeze seemed to emerge from his breath. She stared in disbelief as a lock of the faun’s curls wavered and once more fell lazily back over his frozen looking face.

Impossible, Susan thought, his hair can’t be moved through the breath of a lion, he’s a statute. Seconds passed as her skepticism melted away to reveal astonishment. She stared as life flowed back into the faun’s body like water rushing from a river. Soon the bright and vivid colors filled the area as Tumnus was restored.

Lucy had, by this time, moved several steps away from her and was watching, a smile suddenly covering her lips.

Susan listened as a gasping breath emerged from him as his exhausted body fell into the waiting arms of her little sister. Wearily, he raised his head and looked into the eyes of the one who caught him.

“L-Lucy?” He whispered as he reached a hesitant hand out and touched her face. The quivering voice and trembling hand of the faun would remain with her long after they had defeated the witch.

From somewhere, Susan could hear, that out of relief he had started to cry, but seconds passed and that melted away to laughter, all the while, he held tightly to Lucy.

He must really care for her, Susan thought as she watched the two friends embrace. He probably can’t believe that she would be present at this moment.

Eventually, Lucy had backed up from her friend, her hand still holding tightly to his, but the laughter still hanging in the air as she spoke.

“Susan, this is…” Lucy began to speak, her excited voice filled with love as she withdrew further from the embrace and turned with the expectation of bringing Susan into this reunion.

Of course, the introductions were not necessary. Susan knew who this was and she practically broke into a run to reach them. “…Mister Tumnus!” She shouted gaily as she threw herself into his surprised arms.

A sound which rather resembled ‘oof’ emerged from the faun, but as the embrace ended, she raised her head and looked into his weary blue eyes. I would recognize you anywhere, she thought as she noticed how his bright red scarf seemed to add new life and dimension to this otherwise dreary and uninviting place.
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