1. Certainly you should check into the possibilities of therapy and/or medications. The landscape may have changed in both areas since your last treatment regimen ended; there may be new developments in both areas that could be helpful to you (or at least more helpful than the last one). And you never know what is covered in your medical plan until you ask. Even if it doesn't cover it, you should find out what it would cost and make a decision based on real data rather than imaginary data.
2. Simba bears as much responsibility as you do for your relationship. (Yes, I'm anthropomorphizing a cat.) The fact that the two of you can't co-habitate doesn't mean you're a failure, or that you'd be a failure with some other pet. (After all, Simba had a history that brought him to the shelter in the first place.) I'm not saying you should jump right into finding another cat, of course. But at least be open to the possibility of something in the future.
Comments 1
2. Simba bears as much responsibility as you do for your relationship. (Yes, I'm anthropomorphizing a cat.) The fact that the two of you can't co-habitate doesn't mean you're a failure, or that you'd be a failure with some other pet. (After all, Simba had a history that brought him to the shelter in the first place.) I'm not saying you should jump right into finding another cat, of course. But at least be open to the possibility of something in the future.
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