New year, new prospects?

Jan 10, 2016 21:31

Waves. I've not posted for some time. I've been lurking both online and in real life. No change in how I'm feeling physically, which is not helping my emotional health. The frustration of dealing with the medical profession makes coping much harder ( Read more... )

home, rl, cracked pot

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Comments 15

dickgloucester January 11 2016, 08:23:02 UTC
*hugs* It's nice to see you whenever you have the energy.

Oh - I was going to ping you anyway: what was the name of that iron/vitamins supplement you recommended? Floradix?


tudorpot January 11 2016, 14:55:20 UTC
Yes, Floradix, make sure tou get the iron supplement. It can be found at Boots.


dickgloucester January 11 2016, 15:06:51 UTC
Thank you. :)


anonymous January 11 2016, 11:50:02 UTC
I admire you for taking charge of this; many people would have been unable to see what they had to do and get on with it. I don't remember if you posted about where you hope to live; is it closer to your brother?


tudorpot January 11 2016, 14:56:22 UTC
My brother lives near me, I will end up closer to my sister.


nineveh_uk January 11 2016, 11:56:22 UTC
*waves* Glad to hear that you're being able to make some progress on the house, however double-edged that must feel at times. My fingers are crossed for you in 2016.


tudorpot January 11 2016, 14:57:01 UTC
Thanks, everything helps.


valis2 January 11 2016, 14:31:20 UTC
Nice to see you! So sorry you're still feeling poorly. :(

It's sad that you're selling the house - it's such a wonderful place, but it's good that you're looking on the bright side!


tudorpot January 11 2016, 14:58:19 UTC
I'm not able to enjoy it, nor afford it. I have to find a place that fits me as I am now.


sonetka January 11 2016, 18:04:51 UTC
Being surrounded by renovation can't be good but I hope that things will be looking much better once you've found a new place -- it sucks to leave a place you love (don't I know it) but being able to meet many more people will, I hope, take a lot of the sting out.


tudorpot January 12 2016, 01:11:49 UTC
I love renos as they reflect my dreams/ideas/designs. It's harder making decisions when I'm selling, n. Need to take into account potential buyers.


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