Report card

May 05, 2014 20:48

I've been taking an online course, Archeology's Dirty Little Secrets, since February. Enthralling and intellectually invigorating. Today we had our marks, I somehow managed to get 95%. If you can, keep an eye on future offerings of this course. Next I'm going to be taking one on Richard III ( Read more... )

nursing, archeology

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Comments 7

beffeysue May 6 2014, 09:37:36 UTC
Congratulations on passing your exam and your online course! I've often considered taking a course or two in medieval history, but that will have to happen after retirement. Like most folks I know, I'm so busy at work that I don't think I could devote enough time to properly taking a course for credit.

(((hugs and more hugs)))


tudorpot May 7 2014, 02:12:36 UTC
Thanks dear. You might audit the Richard III course - it's free, online and totally up to you how much you do.


dickgloucester May 6 2014, 09:50:34 UTC
Excellent news on both fronts. I hope the nursing exam means you can tailor your work to suit you and earn more.

*hugs* for the continuing health woes. But at least spring is here!


tudorpot May 7 2014, 02:15:42 UTC
Thanks. Re the nursing thing - that's why I did it- work needs certified staff to evaluate and teach the other nurses. Hopefully I can get them to plan this for March - when caseloads are artificially low due to funding issues.
Spring is here!! Yeah, I didn't need a heavy jacket and gloves these last two days.


lookfar May 6 2014, 12:37:40 UTC
I'm so sorry about the depression and pain. All I can say is keep paddling. And you know, I did eventually follow your recommendation and start with a therapist.


tudorpot May 7 2014, 02:18:10 UTC
My situation - pain and inability to work full time - thus empty pockets and stress are the major contributors to my depression. Therapy would be nice, but it won't change what I'm dealing with. Just had a horrid few hours of pain which lead to a long day of recovery. Nothing done and so much to do. I did get some good news today, appt with neurosurgeon at the end of May.


lookfar May 7 2014, 03:04:53 UTC
Yeah, some people seem to feel better just describing it, maybe not you. I will cross my fingers for the neurosurgeon, for you.


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