somebody would just push her ass infront of on going traffic!...and she would die!... =D such a sin but i hater her so much!.. I couldve gone the rest of m life w.o seeing her ever again guess not she works at the 99cent store hhaah naver going there again!... Hahah jessica trostel needs to die.
Arizona?.... Why am i still here?... I should be out there trying to fix this....trying to make things right...i guess ive stayed here all this time because i know you will always come back and im not saying come back to me... You come back in general ive gotten use to this comfort zone that all the sudden seems really uncomfortable. I shouldve
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So... I called he finally answered...but he had to work so we didnt talk much... I just miss him so much. I wish i could go back in time and go with him leave this stupid state go experience something new. I just dont know anymore. Im kind of getting tired of waiting... But oh well.... I just dont know what to do anymore with this
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i just felel so bad because i cant figure out why u cant just be an adult and talk to me. At least answer ur phone and tell me to... fuck off?... Stop calling u?... Get over it?...i moved on?.... Ur nothhing to me?... Something is better than nothing. Seriously
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