T&T 10 years FanProject
First of all thank you everyone that reply to my previous post showing interest in participate! hontoni arigatou gozaimassu!! *bows*
2nd ... want remember everyone that is my 1st time officially in organizing something like this so I apologize for any confusion, bad english and messed up lines ^-^;
I will not say exactly what i will do in the video because i not know if i will have enough people and not want make high expectations and disappoint everyone on the end so I'm sorry will have to keep you all in the dark for now.
although this is an international project ofcorse Japanese fans are ok to participate! and should! ;)
There will be at least 3 stages of this video..
this is Stage 1:
what you'll need:
-- 2 A4 paper sheets
-- something to write with
-- your imagination
-- camera/phone
Get 2 sheets of paper, in one write 'Tackey' and on other write 'Tsubasa', be sure the writing is visible/understandable... use markers/paint/pens/kira-kira sparkles/etc whatever you want. you are free to add other small things around, short words or lines are ok to add but be sure its smaller. the main thing is the boys names.
once you done, and to make it more personal than a scan, take a photo of it. you are free to add some objects, for example you can add small pink ponpons to Tackey's paper but again make sure their names are visible, meaning that when taking the photo do not make the paper too small in middle of the objects and make it difficult to read in a 480px screen.
here are 2 examples of what i mean ... you not necessary need to add all this things.. and please make sure you do it better than mines ^-^;; i made all in hurry as I not had markers with me and at night with bad light just as an example to not copy.. *shy* lol
very important!!: make sure the photo is at least 1280x720px in size minim (ofcorse you can send bigger size than that)
EDIT: i forgot to add on my initial post that if you prefer you can write the names on your computer and print it too it's not necessary need to be handwriting :) hope I'm not too late.
Stage 2
As it is a world project please write 'I love Tackey & Tsubasa' and 'Happy 10th anniversary' in your own language :)
Stage 3 (later stage..depends how many fans are willing to do it):
what you'll need:
-- yourself
-- computer or recorder
-- alot of silence!
Record your voice saing the 3 following lines: (please make pauses of 3 seconds between each line)
- Tackey
- Tsubasa
- Tackey and Tsubasa
make sure the sound come the more clean the possible with no outside noises. preference to AAC but mp3 is ok too (depends of the system you use to record).
I will be in need of a Japanese translator to translate some words/lines into japanese for the video (not trust alot my online translator) and also to translate a small message that will be included on Tackey's/Tsubasa's/Avex emails... if you can help me in that please add on the email that you want to translate :)
EDIT: Azuki-san offered herself to translate, Thank you!! she will be the official translator.
but to everyone do still add on your email if you know japanese too in case Azuki need helps with my hard lines ^-^;;
You'll be contacted if needed.
once all done please write an email to takitsubaworld@hotmail.com with the following: (Deadline: 19 August!!!)
Subject: T&T10fanproject
+ Name or nick: ...
+ Your Country: ...
+ Lines in your language:
----- "I love Tackey & Tsubasa": ...
----- "Happy 10th Anniversary": ...
+ Recording voice: Ok/no <- answer ok if you willing to record or no if you are too shy to do it.. you'll be contacted later for the 2nd deadline
++++ add if you want to translate and do not forget to attach your 2 photos!
and this will be all :) at least is what i need from all of you for my main idea. if it's need something more or if i need some changes on your photos I'll contact you. (please do not throw away the paper after take photo of it).
if you have facebook you can follow the updates of how the video is running
here.. or go on my LJ to check the video status, I will be making a post and update it regularly (the posts will be open to public so you not need to add me as friend just for it)
If you have any questions you are free to ask me :)
if you are late in see this post and can't make it on the deadline please still contact me to see if i can still add you in the middle.
Thank you so much for joining!!! we will show T&T are bigger than the world this year!