[3] Goldenrod! [Video /& Action for people who are there]

Dec 05, 2011 21:22

[For the first time in a while America is the only person who shows up in the feed. His Growlithe, Houndour and Shinx are all out of their Pokéballs, his Pidgey is actually off flying somewhere and Wailmer is resting until it can get more water to splash around with. In his arms is a Psyduck that's flailing about ( Read more... )

/ic, vidja, action

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action; stolemyfries December 8 2011, 00:44:10 UTC
[Oh look, someone is petting your shinx.]


action; ttlyahero December 8 2011, 00:57:21 UTC
[Oh hey there, Hamilton twitches for a moment, almost releasing an electric current before it calms down. America's noticed her, so it's all okay.

Even if he just watches for a moment.]

Do you like Shinxes?


action; stolemyfries December 16 2011, 21:37:20 UTC
Huh? Oh, is that what this guy is? I've never seen one before.


action; ttlyahero December 16 2011, 22:18:29 UTC
Yup! I got him from the Breeding Centre. He's an electric type.


action; stolemyfries December 16 2011, 23:02:07 UTC
Oh cool. [She takes note of the others then, and crouches down to call to the Houndoom.]

Hey there little guy. [Looking back up at their trainer.] I just got one of these guys from the Breeding Center.


action; ttlyahero December 16 2011, 23:03:39 UTC
Yeah! [Though... Houndour isn't all that friendly. He growls and barks at her as soon as she gets any closer. America tries to laugh it off, anyway.]

They're pretty awesome there, huh?


action; stolemyfries December 16 2011, 23:06:15 UTC
[Well, then. She pulls her hand back and stands back up.] Yeah, I was able to get three Pokémon out of them. Which is actually pretty darn helpful. Otherwise I just had Sir Battington, and one of the little porky ice guys I caught.


action; ttlyahero December 16 2011, 23:07:56 UTC
[He laughs.] Yeah, I got three too. I especially needed the fire types as I don't do well with cold weather. They've come in handy a lot.

[Especially for all the snuggle fests! Not... like anyone but Luna will ever know about that.]

Little... porky ice guys?


action; stolemyfries December 16 2011, 23:17:52 UTC
Oh, um Swinub. A bunch of them just kinda showed up, like right after I got here, so I caught a couple of them. They're cuties.

But yeah, fire types would probably be good for all this crazy weather. Doomdsay is my only fire type. I'm thinking of starting a collection of ghost types though. [She was part of a gang of ghosts back home after all.]


action; ttlyahero December 16 2011, 23:25:29 UTC
Swinub? I haven't heard of that one before. [So he'll take her word for that.]

Yeah. They're really warm! G-ghost type though? [He doesn't want to see ghost types ever again. Luna's kept trying to scare him as it knew he was afraid of ghosts.]


action; stolemyfries December 16 2011, 23:28:29 UTC
Oh! [She pulls out her gear, pulling up the Pokédex function and scrolling until she comes across Swinub.] This guy here.

Like I said cutie. I'm more fond of ghost types though, I think. They remind me of my friends back home.


action; ttlyahero December 16 2011, 23:45:03 UTC
Hey, they are kinda cute! [He wants one now too, sob.]

Though uh... y-your friends back home? Why's that? [He isn't sure he wants to know...]


action; stolemyfries December 19 2011, 00:09:48 UTC
Well, they're ghosts! Duh. [Gee, why didn't he guess that?]

Ghosts are pretty chill to hang with.


action; ttlyahero December 19 2011, 00:15:59 UTC
[It was wishful thinking, okay?]

H-how are they?!


action; stolemyfries December 19 2011, 00:25:46 UTC
Oh they're all sorts of fun! We used to hang out and watch movies, or play pranks on the living.


action; ttlyahero December 19 2011, 00:27:55 UTC
[He's... sobbing on the inside.]

On the living?


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