Title: Vengeance in Chicago
Word count: 200
Fandom: due South
Challenge: #042 - five things
Notes: I really meant to do a full 500 words on this one, however the week got away from me.
maevebran for the prompt ;)
The woman had appeared shortly after the debacle with Victoria, she'd talked with him about the human ability to commiserate. He'd caught her muttering something about 'damn job swaps' and 'stupid men' and had left her with little more than a 'thank you kindly'.
The following day his father had mentioned that a charming young girl, with lovely hair, had warned him Miss Harris-Giles was dangerous - to be avoided at all costs. He had, as was usual, ignored his father.
Next came a young man, whom he supposed many would term a 'Goth', he’d told Diefenbaker to warn him against the woman’s ploys, wishes were deadly things. To which he laughed and reminded Dief that this was something he was quite aware of.
The fourth he literally ran into; Miss Summers ('please call me Dawn, I'm not my sister'), explained it to him quickly and properly and got Anyanka to leave him alone.
Unfortunately the young man she brought with her had a habit of standing in front of him whilst he was on duty blathering on about a Han Solo and a Mr Skywalker. That had taken an hour-long explanation from Ray - and many hours at the theatre.
If you couldn't work it out the five people Fraser ran into were - 1. Anya 2. Cassie (ghost) 3. Oz 4. Dawn 5. Andrew