title: Welcome Surprises
word count: 200
fandom: Terra Nova
challenge: #114 - dance
disclaimer: The words are mine; the worlds are not.
notes: Post-series for B:tVS; Terra Nova pilot. Second of a short series.
summary: She'd put her original name down on the paperwork, not her Auntie Liz alias.
Commander Taylor came out on his balcony to greet the influx of new colonists like a lord overseeing his people. He addressed them first as citizens of the future, reminding them who they'd been and what they'd left behind, and then set about inspiring them to join his vision.
Buffy remembered how much effort that kind of leadership took. She'd never been great at it, but she'd managed when she'd had to. Her sister's descendants, on the other hand, tended to take to it like a duck to water. Little Nate-- not so little anymore-- had inherited that in full measure.
He looked good, fit and strong in his army wear, with Dawn's eyes stern and bright under a thick head of prematurely grayed hair. She remembered playing with him as a little boy, making his dinosaur figurines dance together instead of fighting; he'd protested mightily, but giggled at the spectacle. Kind of ironic, considering they'd both ended up in 85 Million BC.
Not that he knew she was there, yet. She'd put her original name down on the paperwork, not her Auntie Liz alias.
She met his startled gaze when he scanned the crowd with her best mischievous smile.