Title: They Say
Word Count: 200
Fandom: Babylon 5/Buffy: the Vampire Slayer
Challenge: #83: Virtue and Vice
“I need to control my vices, they say.” Londo sloshed his drink around in his cup. Adira had left earlier that day; Vir had said nothing, and Londo had no friends to call to bemoan his loss with, because-“I will never get anywhere unless I give up this unhealthy fascination with romance, they say. You have three respectable wives, you represent your family, you need to keep up appearances. Just keep a girl on the side in private. Don’t let your emotions cloud your judgment. Pah!” His two beautiful dancing girls, the one he had just lost and the one lost long ago because of family honor. He threw back another swallow of … he had forgotten what he was drinking.
His drinking companion-a strange, blond human-shook his head. “Y’love the girl y’love, you treat her right, and to hell with the rest.” He poured more drink into his cup with a steadiness that Londo could only admire, considering how much the two had drunk that night. “Sodding pansies. Too ‘fraid of maybes and losing face to admit they got it all arse-backwards. I may be love’s bitch, but at least I’m man enough to admit it.”
Title: On our own terms
Word Count: 100
Fandom: Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles/Angel: The Series
Challenge: #83: Virtue and Vice
Lilah drew on the experience of hundreds of delicate negotiations for cool unconcern as the magical “bug” she had just set insinuated itself into Ms. Weaver’s … interesting office building. “I’m very sorry, Ms. Weaver. I’m afraid Wolfram and Hart is quite busy at the moment, and not interested in ZeiraCorp’s business. Substantial though it would be.”
“That’s unfortunate,” Weaver said.
Being on the side of good was an odd feeling, Lilah reflected as she left to arrange for the information she’d gathered to be given to the Connors. But Wolfram and Hart disapproved of any apocalypse they weren’t behind.
Title: White Knights
Word Count: 100
Fandom: Batman: the Dark Knight/Angel: The Series
Challenge: #83: Virtue and Vice
Gunn liked his new boss, over all. Harvey Dent was a good guy, a true warrior for good in a city drowning in corruption and evil, albeit a less demony evil than LA. He had guts, he had style, and he didn’t spend his life brooding. It almost brought back memories of the good days helping the helpless, except without demon guts, prophecies, and apocalypses. And using Wolfram and Hart’s gift of knowledge to clean a city up appealed to his sense of irony.
Still. He didn’t get too attached. He knew what happened to white knights, in the end.