Title: Mine
Word Count: 124
Fandom: Buffy/HP
Challenge: #073 - Favorite things
Disclaimer: I don't own these characters.
Alexander Snape had just turned three. And for one so small he already had the Snape glare down. He had been know to strike fear in the hearts of some of the students and even a teacher or two. Usually when the glare was paired with the word 'Mine'. And that word was heard quiet often around the boy. But the glare only came out when someone tried to take his favorite 'Mines' away. This would cause some problems since some of his 'Mines' had things they need to do. But there was one Mine, his favorite, that he would un-lease the unholy trio, The glare, tears and then puppy eyes. Everyone, even Filch, learned quickly to just leave him and Mrs. Norris alone.