Mod Birthday Competition: Results!

Mar 19, 2007 22:12

And now, what you've been waiting for: the Mod Birthday Competition Results!

The Winners:

az_anneliese: 50/6 drabbles. Earned 5,400 words of fic!
butterflyflame: 25/6 drabbles. Earned 2,900 words of fic!
empressvesica: 25/6 drabbles. Earned 2,900 words of fic!
kerravonsen: 11/6 drabbles. Earned 1,500 words of fic!
emony2: 8/6 drabbles. Earned 1,200 words of fic!
maevebran: 7/6 drabbles. Earned 1,100 words of fic!
kneazles: 6/6 drabbles. Earned 1,000 words of fic!
jinxed_wood: 6/6 drabbles. Earned 1,000 words of fic!

Thanks For Playing, Better Luck Next Year:

avamclean: 5/6 drabbles.
jbeaners48: 4/6 drabbles.
mir8lle: 3/6 drabbles.
tthjinni: 3/6 drabbles.
beatrice_otter: 3/6 drabbles.
mhalachaiswords: 2/6 drabbles.
lamia2: 1/6 drabbles.

Between the eight winners, I'll be writing 17,000 words of reward fic over the next month or so! You'll find the list of fandoms I'm willing to write in below the cut; feel free to request either individual fandoms or crossovers, and remember to suggest a central character and/or theme.

Request Options:

I'l write anything in the fandoms of Stargate SG-1, Stargate Atlantis, Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Angel the Series, and Firefly/Serenity. I do mean anything, though I'm trusting you not to try to cause me actual pain in the writing process. =)

I'm open to most requests in the fandoms of Harry Potter, Lord of the Rings, Pitch Black/TCOR, The Mummy/Mummy Returns, DOOM, Boondock Saints, CSI, Star Wars, Star Trek, Jurassic Park, or the Jane Austen novels. If your request pushes my comfort zone, I'll let you know.

If your fandom isn't listed above, that doesn't mean I won't write it. Especially if you know me to have written something else in the fandom in question. For example: Van Helsing, Pirates of the Caribbean, Terminator, Godzilla, X-Men, Dracula 2000, Batman Begins, Constantine, etc.; I'm familiar with them, but I'll need more research to actually write in them again. Go ahead and float your request, and let's negotiate.

Simple enough? In addition, you may request that I write your fic as a sequel or prequel to any fic at my TtH profile or my website.

I eagerly await your requests! Comment here when you're ready.

event: mod birthday, .news

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