Theme: Willow/Smallville

Oct 03, 2006 00:24

Title: Red
Theme: Willow/Smallville
Prompt: # 021 - Traitor
Rating: FR7
Pairing: Willow/Clark
Disclaimers: I don’t own anything to do with ‘Smallville’ or ‘Buffy the Vampire Slayer’. I have adapted to this knowledge and dealt with it.

“Traitor!” Clark spat.

Willow winced, taking a small step forwards. Her ankle was killing her, but that wasn’t the only reason for her discomfort. The amount of magic that it took to hold Clark Kent in place as she raged against her was surprisingly substantial and already she could feel herself weakening. Within a few minutes she would be drained, and the look in Clark’s eyes suggested that waking up with a magically induced headache tomorrow morning would be the least of her concerns.

She just needed to hold on though. According to Chloe, if she could keep him fixed in place long enough to remove the chain around his neck then everything would be okay. The way that Chloe had explained it, the tiny red stone set in the ring that hung on the chain was possessed, and at the very least it needed removing.

Willow was planning on destroying it. The thought that whatever spirit possessed the stone was capable of turning a normally mild mannered man like Clark Kent into the aggressive creature before her was frightening.

She danced to one side, narrowly avoiding his foot as he attempted to knock her legs out from under her. Quickly reaching forwards, Willow grabbed at the chain and yanked it hard. There was a fleeting second when she thought that it would not break, and then there was a metallic sound as the ring hit the concrete and rolled away.

Clark slumped forwards and Willow breathed a sigh of relief. A moment later, she joined him in unconsciousness.

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