
Aug 23, 2009 08:17

Your Name/Alias: Cesia
Age: 22
Character name: Jo Carpenter
Series: Bakuretsu Tenshi/Burst Angel
Age: 17

Canon: In a post-apocalyptic Spaghetti Western future set in Tokyo, where guns are common on the street and the police have been replaced by a military force to control the civilian life, an international group known as the Barren Syndicate employs their own special force of pseudo-mercenaries. These people are kickass and a bit special, with no regrets and nowhere else to go. Living in a high-tech truck with enough space to pack a mobile suit, sleeping quarters and a large kitchen, these four girls investigate and exterminate mutated monsters with mystical glowing brains that are wreaking havoc all over Japan, while trying to figure out what RAPT--Tokyo's police force--has to do with the whole mess.

One of these four girls is Jo, who carries twin Desert Eagles. She fears neither death nor pain and is known as "The Angel from Hell". In other words, she's literally built for combat. With superhuman abilities connected to a mysterious tattoo which runs from her shoulder down her arm and back, Jo can enter a berserker mode where she is possibly invincible when fighting. She doesn't remember much of her life before joining the group, nor why she has her powers. Without any sort of upbringing, she lacks knowledge of social interaction, how to handle feelings or act towards others other than fighting or ignoring them. Misinterpreting most things to be a challenge, even in everyday life, she won't budge until she's taken care of it, but at the same time it's hard to tell what she's thinking, as she's also sometimes indifferent to what's going on around her. In the rare event that you gain her trust, Jo's your quiet and loyal companion with super strength, always there if there's trouble, even if the methods she uses to take care of things might be a bit blunt.

Note: Jo's favourite quote is "I'll take you to hell!"


Tch, this is just my luck, being stuck in a swamp of all places. Getting lost in a forest inhabited by purple gorillas was not on the job description. 'Camp Fuck You Die'? That's the stupidest name I've ever heard for a place, and it's not even mapped! I've been sent to the wrong location, and of course the communicator isn't working. There better be an explanation for this soon, unless the big squid monster in the lake is the reason for taking me here... Oi! You. Zombie. Unless you want to lose more of those limbs of yours, you better show me where I can talk to the leader of this 'camp'. Now. ... Talk! Don't gurgle at me, dammit. That's not going to help you one bit. And stop yapping about brains. I've had enough of them already, and I don't recall this job having anything to do with them. If I see one of those things again, I'll-- no, of course not my brain, you piece of rotten meat! This is a waste of my time. I want information, not drool on my jacket! Are you trying to make fun of me? Humph. You're no help at all. And your purple friends aren't better--

Now I've seen everything. The Syndicate has stupid ways of informing their employees, but gorillas? You got to be kidding me. When the hell did they start using animals as personal? This mission is getting less and less amusing, and I'm starting to lose my temper. Yes, I swear I'll beat down everyone who tries to stop me. Shut up, I don't care if it's a public area. I'll use my Desert Eagles on you if you even cause the least of troubles. If you cooperate with me, you'll live. Running away? Cowards. If you have pride, you would stay and fight like a man-- gorilla.

What a ridiculous job. Telling me to protect some old woman, but instead I end up getting suspected for murder? Come up with something more entertaining, missy zombie-- or whatever your gender is. I won't stand for being treated like some second rate object of entertainment. I'm a bounty hunter, not a circus artist. No! And I'm certainly not here to listen to the story about your miserable life! You're walking dead. You don't even have a life. Shit happens.

So I can't see any other reason to be here than taking care of an infestation. Heh. Never thought I'd be adding to my monster collection in a summer camp, and I don't intend to drag this out, so it's about time you showed yourself! No, not you, you stupid zombie! I'm talking about that legendary squid. ...what, it has a name? Che, I could care less about that. All I need to know is where it's hiding. Well of course I get it's supposed to be in water! So show me the lake!

Ah... so that's the one. Well, I guess this could prove to be interesting. You're a big one, aren't you, monster? Oi, let go of me before I shoot--! Hah! If that's how you want it, let's party till the end. But if I go down, don't think you'll be doing too well either! What did you think these guns were for anyway? Come on! I don't want to withhold the fun! I promise I'll take you straight to hell!

96.6% | 57 In | 2 Out


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