[Fic] Of Chocolate and Hugs

Feb 04, 2007 19:43

Title: Of Chocolate and Hugs
Disclaimer: I do not own Prince of Tennis.
Rating: PG-13 but be careful?
Author: Eternal Snow/ Winter's Light
Summary: [For tenipuri's V-day contest: Entry fanfiction 1] A FujiRyo Valentine's fic.

Under here )

fujiryo, fanfic, echizen ryoma, fuji syuusuke

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Comments 24

tifarette February 5 2007, 02:15:51 UTC
Mmm, Fuji flavored-chocolate.... Well, okay, ANY chocolate sounds good, but I'm sure it's Ryoma's favorite.

I think I know you... but not from here. *cough*femalegakuto*cough* but shh, it's a secret. XD


pinksnow1986 February 5 2007, 18:27:52 UTC
you know your characterization is nothing short of perfect, not joking here!! ^___^

excellent writing, everything about the fic just flows smothly, love the descriptions *and the naughty bits!!*

certainly a worthy entry for the V-Day cometition!! i won't be surprised if you win!! ^____^


tsumetaitsubasa February 5 2007, 22:57:11 UTC
Wow, thank you very much PinkSnow-san!! What do you want me to call you? o.o;;

And wow, you're really kind. > o < ;; *huggles* Thank you.


pinksnow1986 February 6 2007, 15:08:56 UTC
nya you can call me pinksnow or snow or pink, anything is fine really!! ^___^

*can i call you winter-chan?* (puppy eyes!!)


tsumetaitsubasa February 7 2007, 01:22:46 UTC
xD; Snow-san then? Funnily on Gaia I'm called Snow. XD

It's fine by me. ^^


xxmaddy February 5 2007, 22:41:51 UTC
^^ Mm, really cute nya~ I want to write those two a valentines fic now... XD

Uwah, I'm curious about Tezuka though... >>


tsumetaitsubasa February 5 2007, 23:02:29 UTC
Heh, thanks Kiara~~!

o.o! You should! You'll have fun! It's fun! Go for it!

I was trying to hint AtoTezu? Is it TezuAto? XD;; *shot*


xxmaddy February 5 2007, 23:05:18 UTC
xD Speaking of atotezu, maybe I should write them... XD

Darn, I need ideas... >>

And your welcoem nya~ It IS really cute though... XD


tsumetaitsubasa February 6 2007, 01:26:46 UTC
You should!

Eh, Valentine's Day!

XD Sankyuu!


Re: Great story nhi2k February 7 2007, 04:14:20 UTC
WOOOOOOOOOOOOW great story you get there. I wish i could write a story as good as you.......


Re: Great story tsumetaitsubasa February 7 2007, 21:47:35 UTC
> o < ! Thank you but there are other better writers.


arctic_dragon February 7 2007, 16:37:38 UTC
Mmm, so sweet.
I love how you write their interactions. Very cute.
Plus the little insertions of the other couples.
Really helped to add context to it all.
Wow, I can't believe there's only 6 days to Valentine's day.
hmm, to fic or not to fic?


tsumetaitsubasa February 7 2007, 21:52:52 UTC
Thank you very much. > w < !

I know.. o.o;; *doing V-day cards right now* And then my friend's birthday and and... Eep!

Oooh, if you're trying to decide whether or not to write a fic, you should!


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