Bright Skies (Multi - Season Crossover/Power Rangers, prompt #92: Holiday, T)

Dec 08, 2008 17:06

Behold, the Power Rangers Gay Pride - I mean, Ranger Festival! ^_^V

Fun, chaos and sappy angst. Hadn't intended for the angst, but it sort of happened anyway. Oops? 
Bright Skies: Holiday )

bright skies

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Comments 11

rivulet027 December 9 2008, 18:22:35 UTC
Wonderful. Just the right amount of fluff and angst mixed together. I love how you fit SG1 into the scene and through that gave us a hint of their everyday life. I also really liked imagining everyone's outfits. :)


aisho_ren December 11 2008, 14:45:47 UTC
Lovely as usual.


rosabelle December 21 2008, 10:25:51 UTC
I love this.

And I want rainbow shoelaces.


aliseforemosex September 2 2009, 06:35:27 UTC
Damn girlie! I just spent the last two nights staying up waaaay past my bedtime and going into work exhausted to reread this story and it's STILL the best thing EVER!!!

I love how completely you develop everyone's relationships, the heartaches, the joys, the tears and the laughter. I love Pink!Hunter, Eric Pranking and Sky being Sky. I adored Bridge at every age, love the triplets and have sobbed along with the story when anything happened that was remotely sad.

I adore you, your writing and your creativity as you know! *BTW I'm Makia Durron on!!!* I love how you've further developed Darker Shade of Red, I'm so excited to see how you finish the development of that story. I can't wait to see Sky and Alex *and Ben!* finally meet, I can't wait for Wes and Eric to learn about Ben's recovery and how he's awake again, I can't wait for the final family reunion that I desperately hope is coming!

Thank you so much for sharing this with us all... Do you think you'll update it again soon?


firetothe_rain October 15 2012, 14:11:35 UTC
I've been reading your PR fics (mainly the SPD ones, but meeeeh!), and I'd like to say that WHY AREN'T THE LATEST TWO CHAPTERS ON AO3?

...Yeah, sorry about that. But I really, really love this fic, and I almost flipped a table when I realised that I didn't see chapters named Lost and Holiday on the one in AO3. Can I just say that this made me so emotional? It's almost like I was part of the PR team and lost Tori and Dax and Conner and Ethan and Kira and everyone else as well. ;v;

Enough with that stuff. And though this is my first comment on your fic, you write splendidly as usual. Hope I get to see more in the future! :D


tsukino_akume October 17 2012, 07:41:36 UTC
-Laughs- Hello! Thank you for your lovely comments, and I'm so glad to hear you love Bright Skies as much as I do! ♥

As for why the last two chapters aren't at AO3, I've been posting the story chronologically on that site for people who wanted to read it that way, since it's a bit confusing reading it by chart. I've been struggling to write the last few chapters, and I didn't want to post there until I knew for sure what order they'd need to be in. ... And now I seem to be somewhat rewriting it. -Coughs- In my defense, I blame my WesMuse, who suddenly decided he wanted me to write the story behind what happened on Aquitar. c.c;;;

So I have not and will not forgot to finish this story! It's just taking a bit longer than I intended. ^.^;;;


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