Akume: Oh, I discovered today that assuming I manage to win NaNo this year, I need to write almost 7000 words a day to reach my goal for the year
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Drew is my choice also! I was initially thinking Jo, but that was mostly because of the Little Strong Man episode so they could bond over being tiny but super strong. But Drew and Justin are both blue! They would be adorable together!
Surprisingly, I never even considered Jo. Something about her and Justin just ... doesn't have any chemistry for me. Roland/Justin would bond over geeky things and be sweet, but I can see Drew/Justin being funny, angsty, sweet, and filled with bickering. Because for some reason I imagine that Drew would be like 'WHY ARE YOU DOING THINGS WITHOUT TELLING ME? WHERE ARE YOU GOING? STOP IT.' while Justin would be all 'Sorry, I've got a better idea. I'll be back later. -Kisses Drew's cheek and hops in Storm Blaster-'
This may be because I'm also imagining that the Beetleborgs are still active, and Justin still has Powers. *What* he's doing with them, I have no idea. But it's still fun in my head.
Comments 4
Akume: Three the day before, and two the day before that.
You sound like me (except I had a massive writing spree today. Yesterday, technically).
Hahahaha @ Chibi!Pinata!George xD Loooove it <3
(It's totally not my fault!)
ChibiPinataGeorge would be adorable. AngryProtectiveViolentChibiFred would not. You can go play with them. -Blows raspberry-
(It is so totally your fault. But I love you anyway. ♥)
Someone clearly needs to write this.
This may be because I'm also imagining that the Beetleborgs are still active, and Justin still has Powers. *What* he's doing with them, I have no idea. But it's still fun in my head.
Yes! They do! NOT IT.
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