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Comments 6

purplestripe66 June 10 2011, 07:09:44 UTC
Wow, I see why it took you 3 hours to type this up!


psyco_chick32 June 10 2011, 08:03:09 UTC
The new approval means I'll be getting $100-200 added to my card each month, but I still get to keep the amount they'd already owed me. And I have state health insurance again.

\o/ Yay money and insurance!

Writing my novel no less

\o/ Congrats! plz to be sending writing mojo my way?

Do you always get your prescriptions from Walgreens? (Just wondering.) Also, boooo co-pay (mine is around $10, but that's for Keppra and Lamictal). Very nice of the guy to give you pills to tied you over but *taps foot* you shouldn't double-dose meds, even to catch up. Bad idea and overdosing on Keppra (even once) and cause a seizure (imagine my surprise...) *glares* (And I'll stop lecturing now, sorry)

Being epileptic is scary.

Hear, hear :(

Oh, and a random note - could you PM me your address? I swear I won't stalk you.


tsukino_akume June 10 2011, 21:44:18 UTC
\o/ Yay money and insurance!


\o/ Congrats! plz to be sending writing mojo my way?

-Sends sparkly happy writing thoughts in your direction-

Now if I can just do *more* work on my novel, instead of the nap I'm contemplating. -Glares at empty lunch dishes-

Do you always get your prescriptions from Walgreens? (Just wondering.) Also, boooo co-pay (mine is around $10, but that's for Keppra and Lamictal). Very nice of the guy to give you pills to tied you over but *taps foot* you shouldn't double-dose meds, even to catch up. Bad idea and overdosing on Keppra (even once) and cause a seizure (imagine my surprise...) *glares* (And I'll stop lecturing now, sorry)I do stick with Walgreens, because for one they're usually cheaper, and now that I've moved to where I currently live there's one literally two blocks away. Which is both incredibly convenient and full of nice peoples. ^_^ I *am* glad the co-pay was only $4, but I'm still peeved that this is on insurance I had to declare/apply for Unemployment to get, which you'd think would ( ... )


psyco_chick32 June 11 2011, 07:48:25 UTC
Yaaay sparkly happy writing thoughts! <3 I think they may have come post-haste, so I will give you credit ;)

Really, the co-pay AMOUNT is nice, but it's pretty darn stupid to have a co-pay when you get insurance that is specifically for people with Unemployment, which... yeah. Cycle of "Wha?" there.

*snuggles* I did not mean to yell, honest :D I just didn't want you to discover the "Oh, hay, overdose = seizures because WTF meds?" thing the hard way LOL But good! I'm so glad you're back on some meds, even if it took a whooooole lotta drama to get on it. <3 It makes me at least a little less worried. And *clutches* I am a worrier! I have been there and it sucks.

Having someone to talk to about it helps.

*biiiig hugs* I am always here to talk about it! People who sympathize and worry are amazing, but it's hard to really understand until you've actually been there (and I wouldn't wish it on anybody, so that limits the sample size, hopefully). Also, I think I may start up Yahoo! Messenger again... with a different name ( ... )


lunaria_kitty June 10 2011, 18:52:08 UTC
*snuggles you lots* Yay food! :D And yay meds! A bit silly to have a co-pay, though. And at $4, it's almost like, why even charge?


tsukino_akume June 10 2011, 21:48:03 UTC
I know! Clearly these people have no brains! -Glowers-

Love! ♥


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